Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94987 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
It’s hard to believe it was little more than a year and a half ago that the Noiseprofessor introduced the Jim Groom Art assignment with an animated GIF of the Bava in an OK Go video. It’s such a long … Continue reading →
Judging by the traffic on twitter, it seems that ds106zone has hit the ground running. It just so happens that the start of this amazing course coincided with the busiest part of my week so I’ve not been able to … Continue reading →
The next five weeks here will be devoted to the ds106zone class. While reflecting on how to help out with the audio portion of the class, the idea to do a short daily live radio segment on ds106 radio seemed … Continue reading →
True Confession: The only reason I watched the Twilight Zone episode The After Hours last night was a quest for GIF-able moment so I could get an assignment done before the course begins on May 20, 2013. I was much … Continue reading →
Having spent a few hours carefully re-listening to Arch Oboler’s Where Are You? radio play and writing several pages of log notes, I remain convinced that this sort of process can be useful for aspiring radio writers and producers. The reason … Continue reading →
According to the effervescent Jim Groom, the ds106zone is on like Donkey Kong. Though the class doesn’t officially begin until Monday, March 20, 2013, several open-online participants have already stepped up to the plate and smacked some animated GIFs out … Continue reading →
This 45 minute recording from my early morning set on ds106 radio focus less on Arch Oboler’s Neanderthal radio play than I’d originally intended. That’s because the whole game changed as the result of a skype conversation with Jim Groom … Continue reading →
All available energy is being directed toward this coming Friday’s opening session of Scottlo Radio School on ds106 radio. As mentioned in yesterday’s post, that’s when I’ll be presenting the results of the three step process of contextualization, transcription and … Continue reading →
Catching Up This Arch Oboler project that began a month ago has been a trip down the rabbit hole on several levels. In the first instance, listening to performed tales of the supernatural and supernormal from more than seventy years … Continue reading →
I realize most people will never hear this podcast. That’s totally fine and as it should be. But as I had such a good time putting it together, I’d like to know what those who did take the time to … Continue reading →
A recent entry on the Shift Left forum from the developer indicated that the Papaya Broadcaster application will be discontinued at the end of April, 2013. This is unfortunate news for the ds106 radio community as a good many people … Continue reading →
This podcast is a recording of a live transmission over ds106radio from a Toyota Yaris driving on the Dammam-Khobar Highway. The monolog was transmitted using the soon to be discontinued Papaya application on an iPhone 5. An iPhone 3 using … Continue reading →
Hearing about some guy blogging about films while making a road trip sparked an idea. I briefly sketched the idea out during this morning’s Driveby Show on ds106radio. In the weeks ahead, I’ll use this blog space to bring the … Continue reading →
I am currently dictating the first draft of this blog post into a dictaphone. To be more precise, I’m using a smart-phone equipped with software that automatically transcribes speech into text. The word Dictaphone was originally the name of the … Continue reading →
I always wonder if anyone is really interested in listening to some dude in the desert talk to himself in the form of a podcast before releasing one of these. Recent efforts here at the Scottlo Radio Blog are progressing … Continue reading →
Through learning about a famous playwright from radio’s Golden Age named Arch Oboler via a Twitter tweet from Grant Potter which pointed to a blog post by Bryan Alexander, I was able to come up with a plan for my … Continue reading →
As mentioned in the latest podcast, tomorrow I will be giving my second Toastmasters speech. New TMs like me must give a series of ten assigned speeches to reach the level of Competent Communicator (CC). The guidelines for this CC … Continue reading →
Syllabus Draft It turns out that the task I set for myself to come up with a syllabus for the Scottlo Radio School (SRS) dovetails nicely with the Toastmasters speech I’m supposed to be preparing to give on April Fool’s … Continue reading →
The idea is born Some project ideas that get in to one’s headspace are difficult to make sense of initially. The project might seem like something worth pursuing but the details are hard to grasp and perhaps the job itself … Continue reading →
I’ve been trying to explain to myself, so I can understand, why I’ve been getting up at 4:00 in the morning for the past couple of weeks. What started as a bit of a lark – a proof of concept … Continue reading →
It’s time to fire this blogging system up again. Lots of things are happening for your’s truly. More importantly, perhaps, lots of other folks have been up to some compelling stuff. Taken together, I can no longer allow myself to … Continue reading →
Sometimes the ds106 assignment just falls into your lap. Such was the case when I noticed that Cogdog tweeted to Jim Groom about a gentleman named Conrad that I’d mentioned in the latest installment of scottlo calling. Seems that Groom … Continue reading →
Zontar the Thing From Venus is a Larry Buchanan made for television production from the mid-sixties. While searching through the several films I’d previously downloaded from the Internet Archive for a suitable clip for my submission for the Flashing Neon … Continue reading →
I recently came up with an idea for a ds106 assignment that’s called, “Flashing Neon GIF.” It’s a simple concept that involves creating a GIF and adding stylized text that’s been created in a vector editor to some of the … Continue reading →
Preamble I wasn’t thinking ds106 assignment when I found this panel in an ancient comic on Ethan Persoff’s amazing Comics With Problems election edition. All I knew was that I wanted to to something with the image of the dude with … Continue reading →
As mentioned on the latest podcast, I downloaded a bunch of videos from the moving image section of internet archive “this just in” feed while waiting for my visa to get processed this past July and August. I’ve only just … Continue reading →
In the course of recording this tribute to yesterday’s mega-news about the word of the year (the verb form of GIF), an important and disorienting insight flashed in my mind’s eye like the reflection of a neon gas station sign … Continue reading →
In honor of the Oxford Dictionaries team declaring the verb form of GIF as the word of year, it seemed only natural to do the magic with a young Happy Kyne playing his organ. Long before he was band leader … Continue reading →
Karamoon was quickly able to put the clues together to identify The Yesterday Machine as the mystery movie. Unfortunately, I still have a few animated GIFs that I’d been intending to roll out in the coming days to try to … Continue reading →
Possible Spoiler: Dr. Blake has just shared the bullet that he had earlier removed from the left buttock of the college with the man in the dark suit. The boy made it through surgery but is unable to tell his … Continue reading →