Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94987 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
For those of you who’ve left Second Life or never yet experienced it, an upcoming event might be a good way to get a sense of the current state of the this virtual world. SL98 is the name for Second … Continue reading →
After several attempts over the past few days, I feel I’m finally getting a sense of how to make animated GIFs that have smooth looping motion with an economical files size. This jumping GIF was pulled from a four second … Continue reading →
Jim mentioned in Flickr comments for today’s daily create that my offering appeared to be more Second Life stuff imagery. The image of the face that I traced is actually from some old comic strip. Jim’s comment was just the … Continue reading →
In the quest to bring animated GIFs into Second Life, I decided to turn a clip from my recent machinima into a GIF with the hope of being able to bring it back in to Second Life as a texture … Continue reading →
Here’s a little video greeting to all my fellow Camp Magic MacGuffin campers. Though I can’t join you in person, I will do my best to be there virtually. For those able and interested, there’s an open invitation to stop … Continue reading →
Leelzebub continues to set the pace with her recent outpouring of fun and inspiring ds106 assignments. I learned more about using photoshop in the 90 plus minutes it took me to do the Warhol This assignment than I ever did … Continue reading →
Anybody interested in a podcast? Actually I did a podcast devoted especially to my experiences in Second Life a long time ago. But I don’t want to be posting stuff in too many places. That makes it to easy too … Continue reading →
Though this entry doesn’t adhere to any specific ds106 assignment, the sacred position the animated GIF holds in the ds106 canon permits me, I believe, to try to weave some sort of digital story. I’m motivated by a sentiment I’ve heard … Continue reading →
For some reason, animated GIFs have become an important part of the ds106 experience. Everybody, it seems, loves looking at them. And the process of making them is not as daunting as most may think. Prior to ds106, I never … Continue reading →
This was mostly an experiment to figure out how to do a machinima video. As the recent spate of blog post would indicate, it looks like my participation in Camp Magic MacGuffin will have to be from the virtual world … Continue reading →
I wasn’t sure what Jim had in mind when I read his tweet this morning. I guess it’s just a little bit of good-natured ds106 ribbing. But it did cause me to continue wondering what this recent endeavor is all … Continue reading →
I wasn’t sure what Jim had in mind when I read his tweet this morning. I guess it’s just a little bit of good-natured ds106 ribbing. But it did cause me to continue wondering what this recent endeavor is all … Continue reading →
I headed back to Corona Cay this morning to check and see whether I’d actually leased a parcel of virtual real estate or if it had all been a dream. Not only were the RV and campfire exactly where I … Continue reading →
Upon waking up and checking the twitter this morning, I noticed that Leezlebub had already sparked the magic with her first ds106 assignment for Camp Magic MacGuffin. The name of this fun and intriguing visual assignment is Pitch a Tent in … Continue reading →
The idea in coming to Cedar Island to watch a sunset while listening to a smooth and comforting stream via Luxuria Music was to find a wee bit of solitude and inspiration to write a blog post. I’d hoped to be able … Continue reading →
Having a calm and relaxing time on Harbour island in Second Life. All is well. In fact, I’ve just come to realize that this virtual world program works great as a word processor. At this moment, I’m sitting on a … Continue reading →
I can’t find the link for it now but I read in the Twitter yesterday that some tycoons were going to pay $60,000,000 dollars for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at MIT and Harvard. Seems they think there might … Continue reading →
Image: FLip Back by Milom through cc licensing I noticed the following tweet from Alan before retiring last night: Flip this! @jackiegerstein gives a fuller model of “flipping” than tossing videos in the mix… — Alan Levine (@cogdog) April … Continue reading →
A couple of weeks ago I referred to a line from a television commercial for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups when I first announced a plan to share the ds106 digital storytelling class with some web-savvy ESL/EFL educators. But for folks … Continue reading →
It seemed like such an easy idea upon waking up this morning. Knock out a quick little Triple Troll Quote and I’d be back on my way with the blogging project. The alternative would have been to write one of … Continue reading →
I’m thinking peanut butter cup – two great tastes that taste great together. In this case the two tastes are ds106 and the Webheads in Action. The idea is to have a short MOOC like experience to introduce the ds106 … Continue reading →
There can no longer be any doubt that ds106 is for real and that the ds106 model offers a fun and exciting way to explore learning. The recent outpouring of funding by participants attests to the deep affection and profound … Continue reading →
When I first learned about the Bagman Campaign poster ds106 assignment, I immediately thought of reworking Richard Nixon’s famous slogan: Nixon Now. But once again, Alan beat me to the punch with his Nation Needs Bagman post and tutorial. So … Continue reading →
It seems like a lifetime ago that this 46th slice was recorded. The same could be said for the Pechaflickr session we did in G+ Hangouts. But it was only just a month ago. Since then, I’ve wrapped up the Slices … Continue reading →
A dozen or so kind souls showed up on a Thursday evening to hear me tell my story about Mobile Audio and the Web for Language Teachers. For me, it went better than I had anticipated. I also managed to … Continue reading →
It’s always awkward to read someone’s apology for not blogging recently. So I won’t burden you with such an opening. But if you’ve got a jones for that kind of thing, I’ve got a link for you. Truth be told, … Continue reading →
I decided to wrap up the Slices of Life Project moments after I began recording. It came as a whole, complete and comfortable thought. The journey of the past four months has been significant and transformative. But now it is … Continue reading →
Birthday Memory – 1973 by scottlo The highlight of the morning’s class was getting the students to sing me the birthday song (good thing we didn’t broadcast it on #ds106 radio or we might have been sued over royalties). On … Continue reading →
As this is an embedded audio clip from SoundCloud, I don’t think the file will download as a podcast. The idea to talk about Uncle Calvin came to me almost accidentally. It was while working on a ds106 assignment for … Continue reading →
Somehow I managed to record and edit 40 minutes while the 12.5 hour daily pie of activity (Figure A) was being sliced into colorful portions. As indicated by the links below, the topics covered were all over the place. An … Continue reading →