I’m Done With This Class Once I Submit This: Week 5
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Video For the video, first I found a UMW video online. After cutting out the parts I didn’t want and muting all the audio, I used the handy “Record narration” […]
I have been tasked with a super secret mission: to investigate the life of the average college student. I was assigned to the University of Mary Washington by, like, the […]
Oh Firefly, what more can be said about this show? Should we continue to berate Fox for daring to cancel this masterpiece? However many times its been done before, it’s […]
For this assignment, I chose the prison breaking scene from The Shawshank Redemption. When viewing the scene without sound, first we see Andy looking defeated. He is cast in shadow, […]
Ebert’s post offers some good insight into reading movies. He often noted that breaking some of the “rules” of film making can, at times, prove fruitful. It is more important […]
The first thing to do is to record the speech itself. If you have a microphone, the easiest way is to record directly into Audacity. You could also use another […]
For this assignment, we were to make a trailer for a TV show that’s run its course. I chose the tragically short lived sci fi/western Firefly. Apparently you can watch […]
For this assignment, we were tasked with taking a movie clip and ruining it via censorship. So I thought to myself, “what good movies have lots of swearing?” Well, anything […]
For the Create a Warning Poster assignment, I’d recommend using PowerPoint. I find it to be easy to work with, and use it frequently for this type of work. First, […]
For these of you who read the title and though “is this guy serious?”, yes, this is a poem about heavy metal in space. For this assignment, we were supposed […]
So, first I read a bunch of stuff about techniques used in audio story telling. Then I listened to this story. After all that, what did I notice? The biggest […]
So I watched these two videos about these two radio guys and their experiences. Here I noticed some similarities. Both performers seemed to have different goals for each specific video, […]
Feel the cold breeze rushing down my spine Now I close my eyes All these years I was told a haiku is 5-7-5. Apparently I’ve been lied to. After being […]
For this assignment, I was to play 30 seconds of my favorite song, sans lyrics. Is this my favorite song? Hard to say, but it does contain one of my […]
Everyone’s making a big deal out of people writing less by hand, but the world does move on. People don’t carve stone tablets anymore, some things just become obsolete. Although, […]
So it’s time to do… something. What was that again? Oh yeah, I need to “step my game up”. So I’ve been told. Multiple times. Yay. Anywho, it’s time for […]
Let’s talk about visual design, using some stuff I found around the house. Yeah, I know we were supposed to out into the world and whatnot, but the outside world […]
Here, we were to create a sports GIF worthy of a highlight reel. I’m a pretty big Ravens fan, so I knew which moment to choose: the leg interception. Here’s […]
Wayne’s World! Wayne’s World! Party Time! For this assignment, I had to create an animated GIF for my favorite movie scene. I’m not sure if it’s my favorite (I always […]
For this assignment, I was tasked with creating a license plate. I chose to create a Maryland license plate the reads “BRDSNBR”, or “Birds and Beer”. So, why did I […]
This assignment tasked me with creating a more “honest” cover to a video game. The first game that came to mind was Brütal Legend, for its infamous genre switch. For […]
So what are we supposed to do for today’s Daily Create? We let’s see, apparently we’re supposed to draw on a napkin and give it to a loved one. Seriously? […]
For this assignment, I was tasked with creating a trading card for my favorite movie. Naturally, I had to choose Pulp Fiction, the single greatest movie of all time. In […]
Here’s the weekly assignment everyone was forced to do: the suspect board. In mine you can see the victim in the center: a poor, innocent glass of beer. Surrounding it […]
For this Daily Create, I was supposed to document something that I did even though I didn’t think I could. Naturally, I chose one of the proudest moments of my […]
So Week 1 is now over. What to say? Let’s start from the beginning, since that’s the first thing mentioned on the instructions in the class page. First we were […]