Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @sguptaauthor

    Who is S. Gupta? Exploring Digital Identity

    I. Avoiding Disaster Defining digital identity is a difficult task. So instead of doing that, I’ll start off with two examples of digital identity gone horribly wrong, which I cannot discuss for reasons that will soon become obvious. Click the links or Google (except maybe not in an official setting like an open cubicle). Santorum’s … Continue reading Who is S. Gupta? Exploring Digital Identity
  2. @sguptaauthor

    Trying to Identify Myself Online: Digital Identity

    Curse me for having such a common name, because I was not included in any of the first few pages of results for my name when I followed the instructions for this assignment: Google yourself. Try it logged into Google, then logged out and in incognito/private mode. Also try DuckDuckGo. What are the differences? the consistencies? So … Continue reading Trying to Identify Myself Online: Digital Identity
  3. @sguptaauthor

    I Give Up: A Journey to Not Caring About Copyright

    Post a link to the page(s) on your site containing Creative Commons or public domain material in the #activities channel on Slack, with a brief note about how/why you attributed them the way you did. Public Domain #1 Composition in red, yellow, blue and black. 1926. oil on canvas. I chose this piece that I had already pinned on my … Continue reading I Give Up: A Journey to Not Caring About Copyright
  4. @sguptaauthor

    If you read only one thing on my blog…

    If you see this message, I’m waiting for my blog post to be written by collective intelligence. Just kidding of course; that’s not something collective intelligence can accomplish. Which is why everyone needs to learn to express themselves in the long, sometimes tedious format of an essay, perhaps now more than ever, because while collective intelligence has … Continue reading If you read only one thing on my blog…
  5. @sguptaauthor

    Faces of the Internet: Representation Activity

    The “Representation” Activity required us to do the following: Perform Google image searches for the following terms Teacher: almost exclusively white women Professor: almost exclusively white men Doctor: almost exclusively white men Nurse: almost exclusively white females Baby: almost exclusively white Teenager: almost exclusively white, mainly girls Criminal: Mostly clip art. When I did a … Continue reading Faces of the Internet: Representation Activity
  6. @sguptaauthor

    The Sequel to 1984: Thoughts about Censorship

    After a great afternoon of elation about the great possibilities of the Internet, I was appalled after learning that about 1/4th of our Internet’s citizens exist behind China’s Great Firewall. The headline of the article where I read this states China’s scary lesson to the world: Censoring the Internet works. They’re not wrong. It’s hard … Continue reading The Sequel to 1984: Thoughts about Censorship
  7. @sguptaauthor

    Looking out the Window

    I was inspired by the Time of Day visual assignment to make this piece for my story. embed To make it, I first took several pictures from my window, just like the protagonist of my story painted. Then I applied a filter to make the photos look like paintings.
  8. @sguptaauthor

    Soundtrack of the Mind

    I combined the audio assignments Sound Effects and Poetry Reading, which respectively say: This is a short and simple assignment. Most everyone uses freesound for various audio assignments, but sometimes, you cannot find quite what you are looking for. This assignment is to upload your own sound or sound effect to freesound, preferably something which is lacking. and: Poetry … Continue reading Soundtrack of the Mind
  9. @sguptaauthor

    A Little Slice of the Starry Night

    Using Vincent Van Gogh’s famous painting The Starry Night, I did the visual assignment Adapt an Artist’s Work for my final project story. The assignment asks us to: Adapt a famous artist’s work to change or reinforce its possible message. Here’s what I did: I incorporated it partly because I couldn’t photograph the moon in the right phase on such … Continue reading A Little Slice of the Starry Night

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