Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @sguptaauthor


    F+or 4.5 stars, I did the Narrative Ambiance assignment, which asked us to: Take a favorite poem, inspiring quote or passage from a book (or even a movie monologue, if you like!) and record yourself reading it. Then set it to original video you’ve recorded with some kind of music or sound effect in the background. … Continue reading Eleutheromania
  2. @sguptaauthor


    Its strange to think, but one year ago I had no idea what college was like, and two years ago I didn’t know what college I would end up attending. Just applying to college is a stressful process fraught with complications, and in the midst of the process I didn’t have much time to reflect … Continue reading Colleges
  3. @sguptaauthor


    Yesterday (happy belated July 4th!) I started my week off by reading the Summer Week 3 work for DS106, and coming across this unfamiliar term: nuggest. The internet was no help, so perplexed, I tweeted Professor Polack: @youcanimagethis What is a "nuggest"? Saw it on Summer Week 3, Confused. Thanks. — s. gupta (@sguptaauthor) July … Continue reading Nuggest?
  4. @sguptaauthor

    Whining about Wanderlust, Part II: Its My Philosophy!

    For 2.5 stars, I decided to do the “Minimalize Your Philosophy” Design Assignment. As per usual, I utilized Drawings in Google Drive. But since this assignment was relatively easy, this time I took more screenshots than ever before. I almost considered turning them into a gif for the benefit of the internet.  Hopefully they will … Continue reading Whining about Wanderlust, Part II: Its My Philosophy!
  5. @sguptaauthor

    Designers Dystopia

    Inspired by the excess of whining in the Vignelli Canon, as discussed in my recent post reflecting on the reading, I decided to do a funny take on the Animated GIF assignment Splain That Dystopia In Six Slides, for 3 stars. A funny take with a point though: we can’t take design TOO seriously. People still need to read. … Continue reading Designers Dystopia
  6. @sguptaauthor

    My first gif!

    I didn’t quite understand what a gif was until earlier this week, but even then, I felt intimidated by the gif assignments. I clicked on the link to a good example of the assignment I wanted to do, but I ended up finding another assignment (no idea how that happened) that sounds even better. For 3.5 stars, … Continue reading My first gif!
  7. @sguptaauthor

    When the Daily Create becomes Extremely Relevant

      @ds106dc P.B.G. Hills = Pimmit Biker Gang Hills #tdc1636 — s. gupta (@sguptaauthor) July 1, 2016 I’m starting to feel like there’s an ongoing theme with the Daily Creates and our individual neighborhoods. Maybe its because we’re mostly home for summer in this session of Digital Storytelling. Then again, maybe its just today and yesterday’s … Continue reading When the Daily Create becomes Extremely Relevant
  8. @sguptaauthor

    Answer to my Daily Create Riddle, and Backstory

    @ds106dc Circa Civil War, she went from belle to survivalist, w/ a tumultuous love life. Very popular film. #tdc1635 — s. gupta (@sguptaauthor) July 1, 2016 I thought this Daily Create needed its own post. I was intrigued to find that unlike most of the other Daily Creates we’ve had recently, it centers not … Continue reading Answer to my Daily Create Riddle, and Backstory
  9. @sguptaauthor

    I Need Vitamin Sea: Whining and Collage-Making

    Summer always worsens my persistent cabin fever and wanderlust, especially for the seaside with its unique charm. I don’t know if I can wait until August for my “Vitamin Sea” after scrolling through all these beautiful pictures on Pinterest! But at the moment I am trapped inside, working on my projects for Digital Storytelling. Which … Continue reading I Need Vitamin Sea: Whining and Collage-Making
  10. @sguptaauthor

    Week 1

    I completed all of the week’s assignments, but I struggled with the sheer amount of wok provided. I realized I have tendency to be perfectionistic, especially in my photography. For instance, I delete many of the photos I took. In the future, I will try to overcome that tendency. I am somewhat confused as to … Continue reading Week 1
  11. @sguptaauthor

    King of the Dogs

    My take (no pun intended) on the Selfie With Your Pet Assignment from the Digital Storytelling Assignment Bank  involves my gorgeous hunk of dog, Arthur. Originally he was named for the lovable aardvark Arthur from a children’s book and TV series of the same name. But almost every time I mention his name, someone suggests he must … Continue reading King of the Dogs

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