Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @sylvanrobert1

    The Value of CARP in My Design Work

    The four principles of CARP: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity Contrast—If two things are not the same make them really different Contrast means difference, and although difference sounds quite simple it is crucially important to the way we notice things. Humans scan a scene looking for the difference, and I agree that if one is ... [Read more...]
  2. @sylvanrobert1

    English 102

    Now you can head over to the front-end of your site and see your new pseudo blogs listed in your menu. When you create new posts, don’t forget to choose the correct category so your post shows up on the appropriate page.
  3. @sylvanrobert1

    English 101

    Now you can head over to the front-end of your site and see your new pseudo blogs listed in your menu. When you create new posts, don’t forget to choose the correct category so your post shows up on the appropriate page.  
  4. @sylvanrobert1

    Lesson 1-3: Greetings

    Please listen to the lesson and practice speaking. Pause and practice until you feel comfortable with the words. 이 대화를 듣고 말하기를 연습하세요. 말하기가 편할 때까지 멈추고 연습하세요.
  5. @sylvanrobert1

    Lesson 1-4: At School 1

    Please listen to the lesson and practice speaking. Pause and practice until you feel comfortable with the words. 이 대화를 듣고 말하기를 연습하세요. 말하기가 편할 때까지 멈추고 연습하세요.
  6. @sylvanrobert1

    Lesson 1-5: At School 2

    Please listen to the lesson and practice speaking. Pause and practice until you feel comfortable with the words. 이 대화를 듣고 말하기를 연습하세요. 말하기가 편할 때까지 멈추고 연습하세요.
  7. @sylvanrobert1

    My Response to: “The Intelligence of Emotions: Philosopher Martha Nussbaum on How Storytelling Rewires US and Why Befriending Our Neediness Is Essential for Happiness”

    This week I couldn’t resist focusing on emotions and truth. These two issues boiled to the surface due to the recent heated debates concerning false news, whatever that means, and the harm which is done by those producing it; that is those who sacrifice the truth in order to make a point and or a ... [Read more...]
  8. @sylvanrobert1

    Digital Story Response No. 11: “Ghost Dance”

    While searching the StoryCenter’s YouTube channel for recently uploaded digital stories I encountered “Ghost Dance.” Early into watching Tommy Orange’s digital story I connected it with Dee Brown’s (1971) seminal book “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West”  which is credited with exposing “some” of the systematic destruction of ... [Read more...]
  9. @sylvanrobert1

    Digital Story Response No 9: “Eastern Philosophy: Wu Wei”

    The digital story “Eastern Philosophy: Wu Wei” is hosted the on School of Life’s YouTube channel. I first encountered this channel when I was attempting to decipher the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche for an undergraduate philosophy course. The School of Life produces short videos wherein they endeavor to explain philosophical concepts that one can employ ... [Read more...]
  10. @sylvanrobert1

    Response to Chapter 3: “The Evolution of the Digital Storytelling Practice”

    I enjoyed reading Joe Lambert’s piece describing the evolution of digital storytelling. Part of my enjoyment arose from an important connection between Lambert’s piece and the digital story that I critiqued this week. The digital story was “What If Money Was No Object?” which was produced from an old audio recording of a talk given ... [Read more...]
  11. @sylvanrobert1

    Mobile Mayhem: Funny Hangul Study

    I live in an older neighborhood in Uijongbu-Shi, Republic of Korea (ROK) primarily populated with senior citizens. I relocated to the ROK in August of this year with my wife Hyejin who is a citizen of the Korea. We previously spent seventeen years living in the United States where we had intended to live out ... [Read more...]
  12. @sylvanrobert1

    My Response to “At Last: Youth Culture and Digital Media”

    This week I critiqued and wrote a response to the digital stories “Nanna’s House” and “Grandma’s Roof.” These digital stories were produced by two seventh-graders, Abigail and Victoria. The girls composed poems about their visits to their grandmothers’ homes and then read their poetry as the narration for their digital stories. This worked so well ... [Read more...]
  13. @sylvanrobert1

    Digital Story Response No. 7: “Nanna’s House” and “Grandma’s Roof”

    Poetry, written and performed by 7th graders is used to narrate these digital stories. This one digital story actually contains two which are packaged serially and labeled “7th Grade Poetry.” This film is a fine example of collaboration and creative cooperation, as even the transcript is simply titled “Nana’s House,’ which applies to both stories. ... [Read more...]

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