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  1. Matt Meyer

    Final Project

    Due to an unfortunate inability to obtain the required materials in time to do my original project, I had to change gears mid stride. My gaming group is starting up a major American Civil War game next year so I … Continue reading
  2. Matt Meyer

    Ideas Post

    Ideas: Historical Figure Alternate History I decided to stick with what I’m good at and create writing/fanfic (such a broad term) assignments around history. I find this kind of enterprise fun, but I doubt thats true for most!
  3. Matt Meyer

    Alternate History

    August 1914: World War I begins, German armies sweep into Belgium and Holland while the smaller German 8th Army defends East Prussia from a massive Russian Invasion. At the end of the month, 8th Army defeats the Russian First Army … Continue reading
  4. Matt Meyer

    Historical Figure

    My favorite historical figure is Otto von Bismark of the German Empire. Bismark served as the practical head of state of Prussia and then Germany at the end of the 19th century. I admire him for his political and military … Continue reading
  5. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 12/02/2012

    Here is the weekly summary for this weeks group of stuff. I’m not a ‘uge fan of remix although actually delving into it has made me a little more appreciative of it. I discuss this a little more at length … Continue reading →
  6. Matt Meyer

    Remix Card

    These drove me absolutely crazy, and the first several I pulled up were WAY to difficult for me to even consider attempting! I finally settled on one that I could relate to as I have a bit of a thing … Continue reading →
  7. Matt Meyer

    Recycle the Media

    Media Recycle! I got lucky and quickly picked out a common thread of polar bears/new york/cops in here so didnt have a problem patching together a somewhat cohesive story. Actually I couldn’t see how to do it any other way: … Continue readi...
  8. Matt Meyer

    Crossover Battle Royale

    Alright, ‘ere we go ‘ere we go ‘ere we go! Time for the great crossover battle royale of the Galactic Empire from Star Wars VS an big honkin ork WAAAAGH! from the 40k universe. These are my two favorite Sci-Fi … Continue reading...
  9. Matt Meyer

    Remix This!

    I have personally never been a huge fan of mashups and remixes, especially when they take themselves too seriously. This is just my personal taste: when they are done for comedic effect (as I will focus on) then I enjoy … Continue reading →
  10. Matt Meyer

    Planning Post

    So I was pretty excited to see how open ended the final project was, and I have a good idea of what I would like to do. My focus will be on telling the story of a fictional single German … Continue reading →
  11. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 11/18/2012

    Here is the weekly summary for the video segment of the course. I am not a huge fan of making video content myself, but this was relatively enjoyable. I used VideoPad to edit all the films (way, WAY better than … Continue reading →
  12. Matt Meyer

    Range of Emotions

    Just a quick one star assignment to bring the total for the week up to 16, this is just me going through a range of emotions. My fiance always makes fun of me for being animated and having funny faces … Continue reading →
  13. Matt Meyer

    Video Tutorial

    I can really relate to this one, creating a video tutorial, my mom got into using Skype a little while ago and it was…interesting to try to teach her how to use it. The tutorial that follows is very, very … Continue reading →
  14. Matt Meyer

    A Day in the Life

    So I decided to do this “day in the life of” assignment because, while although my life is tragically boring, I liked the concept. WARNING Political commentary will follow in this video as I rant and rave about politics and … Continue...
  15. Matt Meyer

    Swede A Scene

    I loved the movie that is the inspiration for this assignment, and laughed really hard at all the creative and funny things they showed in the film. I decided to use my miniatures to re-create this classic scene from the … Continue reading →
  16. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 11/3/2012

    Weekly summary! I’m happy the semester is almost over, and that THANKSGIVING is only in a few weeks. And I’m done a day earlier than usual thanks to a lit review that needs writing for my 400 level history seminar … Continue reading &...
  17. Matt Meyer

    Pre Production

    Here is my post outlining my pre-production plans for next week. I definitely want to make a scene from a horror film . My family has a psycho black cat that actually takes Prozac from time to time to stay … Continue reading →
  18. Matt Meyer

    Exploring a Great Movie Scene

    SO the movie I chose from the list we were given is one of my favorites, the Dark Knight . Of course probably the most interesting part of the movie is how Heath Ledger prepared himself for the role of … Continue reading →
  19. Matt Meyer

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    So I’m just about to do this assignment, here is the video I went with One of my favorite scenes from this movie! THOUGHTS WITHOUT SOUND: The scene is very intimidating even without the dialogue. The set is dark and … Continue reading →
  20. Matt Meyer

    DC Evaluation

    This was an interesting show, I didnt expect another groups work to sound so radically different from our own! I love the concept, I absolutely detest DC for many of the sounds I believe they were trying to capture. That … Continue reading →
  21. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 10/28/2012

    Here is the weekly summary for this week. This was an absolutely abysmal week both at school and at the office and I’m glad its over. Daily Create: Here is a picture of rocks. Not much to say about that. … Continue reading →
  22. Matt Meyer

    Early War France

    Early War France Here is the page for the assignment story telling within the web. I like the concept of this assignment much more than the practical. While I see the potential to make humorous pages, I didnt have the … Continue reading →
  23. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 10/21/2012

    Two weeks in one! I appreciated these two weeks, I really needed this fall break. Work and school together have been absolutely crushing the past few weeks and I’m happy that things abated for at least a week. I got … Continue reading →
  24. Matt Meyer

    Movie V-Mail

    Just finished the Movie V-Mail challenge. I decided to represent Napoleon from the classic film Waterloo. This is a great film, and I tried to capture Steiger’s trademark dramatic flair that makes Napoleon such a likeable character in this flick ...

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