Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Matt Meyer

    Song Story

    I just completed the Song Story assignment! This was very personal for me and brought up a lot of memories while doing it, but this assignment’s explanation is in the aurio so here you go! Original audio can be located … Continue reading &#...
  2. Matt Meyer

    One Man Tragedy

    I just completed the one man play assignment! This is a reading from my one of my favorite plays, Shakespeare’s Coriolanus (check out the movie trailer below its worth seeing as it keeps the original dialogue). I like this scene … Continue ...
  3. Matt Meyer

    Radio Reflections

    SO the radio show is done! Overall, this project exceeded my expectations. My group organized pretty quickly, I took point initially on making use of the Canvas group to get everyone together to talk topics and format (I figured we … Continue rea...
  4. Matt Meyer

    Someone Special

    So I know normally we dont post for each TDC but this one, about someone special, deserves a post on its own. This is my fiance Brittany. She is my whole world. Without her love and support I wouldnt be … Continue reading →
  5. Matt Meyer

    SoundScape Plan!

    So, as I mention in my Oktoberfest bumper sticker post I will be focusing my bit of our group soundscape project on Oktoberfest! I plan on including some traditional music from Bavaria (which has some really great sounds, lots of … Continue readi...
  6. Matt Meyer

    Design Thoughts

    I found the many examples of design very interesting, and thought I would post a few examples I found. The Coke typeface is very iconic, actually I can’t imagine anything but that particular brand of soda using that font! Since … Continue r...
  7. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 10/07/2012

    Weekly summary time! So this week was fun, design is a fascinating topic with many sides. Its importance is telling that bad design is almost as significant as good design! The design document had some insightful tips and hints that … Continue re...
  8. Matt Meyer

    Cards are Cool

    For the final assignment this week I completed the movie trading cards assignment. This was neat because I actually have some of those classic Star Wars cards laying around, so I felt a connection to it. My favorite film is … Continue reading &#8...
  9. Matt Meyer

    Computer Book Virus

    I just completed the Computer Books for Kid’s assignment! I wanted to show that kids need to be introduced to the wonderful world of viruses causing blue screens of death (that kid’s reaction is pretty much mine whenever I would … Con...
  10. Matt Meyer


    I just completed The Little Caption challenge! I enjoyed finding a good picture for this one, this is my pomeranian named Cleo. She is small and fuzzy and EXTREMELY hyper. I know the caption probably isn’t very creative, but for … Continue ...
  11. Matt Meyer

    OKTOBERFEST on DS106 Radio!

    So for our radio show we are using a theme of autumn. To me, autumn = Oktoberfest = delicious beer. Since we are doing a soundscape format, I think my portion is going to focus on the sounds of Oktoberfest! … Continue reading →
  12. Matt Meyer

    Die Wacht am Rhein!

    In case you havent gotten the message yet, I am just about as immersed in German culture as one can be three generations out from the Fatherland. My great-grandad immigrated in the early 1900′s as a kid, yet I’ve always … Continue rea...
  13. Matt Meyer

    La Victoire!

    So today I completed the Tell a Tale on a Tapestry assignment! As someone who has read a lot about the Battle of Hastings (what the original tapestry that this assignment is based on depicts), this was interesting for me. … Continue reading →
  14. Matt Meyer

    Radio Show Summary!

    Here is a quick run down on what we have planned for our radio show! We decided to go with an AUTUMN theme, as all of us found something to enjoy about it and thus feel its the best option … Continue reading →
  15. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 9/30/2012

    Here is the weekly summary for this week! This week went much better than the last. I had a big advantage in the Flickr assignment in that I have already used it extensively over the course so far (even upgrading … Continue reading →
  16. Matt Meyer

    Photo Blitz!

    Here are my five faves from the photo blitz challenge! 1. Take a Photo of Two Things that Don’t Belong Together ANCESTRAL ENEMIES. Cats and dogs! Perhaps one of the most common “opposites”, I’m happy I was able to capture &#8230...
  17. Matt Meyer

    Street View Story

    I spent way longer on this than I should, just exploring all the great cities of Europe trying to find a perfect historical shot. I use Google Maps all the time to research battlefields, I wanted to show a good … Continue reading →
  18. Matt Meyer

    Animated Pet!

    This was fun, my cats do lots of goofy things and are very GIF-able. I may make more of these in the future! This is my cats Wyn and Midnight being annoyed by a remote control helicopter. I like just … Continue reading →
  19. Matt Meyer

    Real Life to Cartoon Collage

    So, here is my first visual assignment for the week! I liked this one because it looked funny. The costume is a halloween kids costume, the squirrel is just the baby squirrel picture I found looking through Google (from what … Continue reading &#...
  20. Matt Meyer

    Flickr Best Of

    Out of all the tools we have used so far in Ds106, I think I have used and abused Flickr more than the rest put together! I actually had to upload to Pro just to keep going in the course … Continue reading →
  21. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 9/23/2012

    Weekly summary time! Here is what I’ve got for this week: I really enjoyed the Ira Glass bit, readable here. I listen to a lot of audio content so it was interesting to get the perspective of someone who creates … Continue reading →
  22. Matt Meyer

    Ira Glass on Storytelling

    I really enjoyed Mr. Glass’ comments on storytelling via radio. I found his comments really interesting considering that I listen to a LOT of audio content on a daily basis (I always have my headphones in at work). At first … Continue readi...
  23. Matt Meyer

    Battle Sheep!

    Just wanted to share something I find absurdly amusing. Over the summer at Historicon I picked up a bunch of stuff from the very cool guys at Falcon Figures . Because they are some cool dudes they threw in some … Continue reading →
  24. Matt Meyer

    ā€œAARā€ Flames of War: 9/14/2012

    I played some Flames of War at the awesome Game Vault last Friday. I played a team game with my friend’s brother, his American Rifles and my American Tanks VS German grenadiers and panzers. The game was too chaotic for … Continue reading &#...
  25. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 9/12/2012

    PHEW! This was a rough week, I didnt have nearly as much time as I would have liked due to my fiance being ill on top of her starting a new job, while I was honored as the most productive … Continue reading →
  26. Matt Meyer

    Story in Five Frames

    Here is my story in five frames! I liked this one, took some creative thinking. I used screen captures from my game of the excellent rougelike space sim FTL. I think it shows pretty well what it looks like when … Continue reading →
  27. Matt Meyer


    I was inspired by the “Return to the scene of the crime” assignment. As a historian I like the way it transposes a present image onto a past scene or vice vera. There is an ability here to mix both … Continue reading →

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