Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92920 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Tyra13748487

    Mashing Friends and Emojis Tutorial

    Instructions for how to do the mashing friends and emojis assignment similar to mine below Step 1: Find some friends who are willing to model/pose for you Step 2: View the different emojis and select one to copy (you can select the emoji or your friend can select the emoji) Step 3: After choosing the …

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  2. @Tyra13748487

    What Am I? Remixed Edition

    For this remix assignment, we were supposed to take the original assignment and turn it pink. I chose to do this by finding a pink object and attempting to take a Blurry photo. To blur the photo, I moved my phone back and forth repeatedly and then pressed the button to capture the picture. I …

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  3. @Tyra13748487

    A Craigslist Special

    For this assignment, we had to take a website that has already been published and assert our own story in that website. I chose to use an ad from The original ad offered childcare services.         I chose  remixed this ad to offer services for organizing and de-cluttering someone’s home.   …

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  4. @Tyra13748487

    Second Week with the Return of the Radio Station

    This week, our main focus was completing our radio show project. Along with that, we only had to complete two daily creates. I was happy and relieved that we didn’t have to complete any other assignments from the assignment bank. This gave me the chance to fully focus on my group’s radio project and allowed …

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  5. @Tyra13748487

    First Week with the Return of the Radio Station

    This week, my group has been brainstorming ideas for our upcoming radio show. While getting started, we had a late start. With this being midterms week, most of my group, including me, has been preoccupied with studying for other classes. By Thursday, we were all able to communicate with each other via slack where we …

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