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For my final, I decided to do one big video to tie my story together. It tells the story of how my Character Deidra spent her major holidays as a college student. To tell my story, I began introducing the story like I had planned with my index card video similar to one that I …
For my final project, I decided to tell a story about how my character Deidra spent her holidays. I decided to name the story Deidra’s Holiday Shabockle. The story will be about how Deidra spends thanksgiving with a friend from school after not being able to make it home to her family. During the holidays …
This week we took a look at mashups and remixes. I thought this would be a challenging area to work with but it actually wasn’t as bad. To begin with my assignments for this week, I did 3 mashup assignments and 2 remix assignments. For the first 3 mash up assignments, I chose to do …
Instructions for how to do the mashing friends and emojis assignment similar to mine below Step 1: Find some friends who are willing to model/pose for you Step 2: View the different emojis and select one to copy (you can select the emoji or your friend can select the emoji) Step 3: After choosing the …
For this remix assignment, instead of doing a boomerang of my bed room, I did the opposite and took a video tour of my bathroom. I chose to do this because when I tried to think of something opposite of my bedroom, the first thing that I thought about was the bathroom. A boomerang is …
For this remix assignment, we were supposed to take the original assignment and turn it pink. I chose to do this by finding a pink object and attempting to take a Blurry photo. To blur the photo, I moved my phone back and forth repeatedly and then pressed the button to capture the picture. I …
For this assignment we were to mash up at least 2 photos showing a superpower that we wished we had. I chose the power to people’s minds. I found a picture of a superhero girl reading someone’s mind and mashed it with a photo of people sitting around talking. To do this, I used the …
For this assignment, we were to mash a photo of an emoji together with a photo of a friend imitating the emoji. I figured it would be fun to have multiple friends to try to help me. After finding a few friends who were willing to be my model imitators, I allowed them to each …
To complete this assignment, we were to use a photo editing software to mash up our top 3 holiday celebrations. I chose to mash up 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. To do this, I used a picture of a Christmas tree, a turkey, and fireworks. I then brought the photos together using the Photoshop …
This week we continued working with videos and using them to tell stories. to begin this week, I created three daily creates. For the first daily create, I created a reminder for daylights savings time. To create this daily create I used a GIF image of a Dalmatian dog setting the clock back. I chose …
This assignment was one of my favorites. To complete it, we were supposed to come up with 5-10 words and then do a Google image search on the words we selected. When doing the image search, we were to choose the image of one of the first visible photos for the word. I chose to …
To complete this assignment, I created a story and and told it from my character’s point of view. I chose to do a story about Deidra attempting to jump onto her trampoline from her balcony on the second floor. I chose to do this story because Deidra is the type of person who sets a …
For this assignment, we were tasked with making an object move using vine. Instead of using vine, I used snapchat because vine isn’t really a thing anymore. The object that I chose to make move was a toy truck. I recorded small snippets of videos and put them together to make it appear as though …
This assignment was similar to the moving object assignment that I completed. To complete this assignment, we were supposed to create a 2-5 minute stop motion video. I tried to be creative and decided to make a train go around the grain track. Before I could actually start recording, I had to assemble the toy …
For the assignment Your Room, I took a boomerang picture of my bedroom using the Instagram app. This assignment was super simple and took no time at all.
This week, we explored Reading movies in which we looked more closely at how a scene was created. To get an understanding of the different techniques that directors use when producing movies, we read about Roger Ebert and watched a few video clips that focused on this area. To conclude this activity, we chose a …
For my video essay, I used a clip from the movie CoCo. I chose this scene because I felt as though it focused on a wide array of skills that we learned about through the readings and videos that we watched. This scene was a...
For this assignment, I created a video showing my range of emotions. This video captures some of the feelings and facial expressions that I had today. As I went throughout my day, I experienced happiness, excitement, sadness. there were times where I was annoyed and angry but as the day continued, I was happy again. …
For this assignment, I tried to record myself walking thought my day. It wasn’t as easy as i thought bit would be initially because there were many times that I forgot to record my steps. However, I managed to record myself walking somewhere different for the most part of my day. The video starts with …
This assignment didn’t have any instructions so I decided to record what I saw while at the mall. Since this video didn’t have any instructions, it was pretty simple to complete. In the video, I was at Belk’s walking through the make-up and perfume section which are some of the things that I like to …
For this assignment, I created a video capturing two of my friends retelling a memory that they remembered. My friends were willing to retell their memories for me which made creating the video a lot easier. My first friend tells the story of her and a few others falling down the an icy path and …
Mini Maval, a mini monster, was invited to a Halloween party this weekend. She was so excited that she couldn’t focus on anything else, not even her homework. Instead of doing her work, she was planning out her costume for the party and how she was going to style her hair. As the week went …
For our assignments this week, we took a look at story telling in a different way. This week we told stories through the web. At first I thought this would be very challenging but I found that it wasn’t challenging at all. To begin this week, I worked on three wed assignments from the assignments …
For this assignment, we had to take a website that has already been published and assert our own story in that website. I chose to use an ad from The original ad offered childcare services. I chose remixed this ad to offer services for organizing and de-cluttering someone’s home. …
For this assignment, we were tasked with creating our own room using Pinterest. With the help of Pinterest, I was able to find different things that I liked and save it as “Home” which I can use and reference at a later time. I have different design elements for different areas of my future home …
Vacations can be a great way to get away from your day to day life and go somewhere to relax, enjoy being pampered, taking in sights trying new foods, and even going on different adventures. If I could, I would vacation at least twice a year. There are so many places to explore and so …
For this assignment, I compiled a bunch of GIFs from to tell the story of a popular fairy tell. This assignment was enjoyable and somewhat simple. While trying to tell the story while using the GIFs I wanted to use some that told the story without actually telling you what story was. Some part …
This week, our main focus was completing our radio show project. Along with that, we only had to complete two daily creates. I was happy and relieved that we didn’t have to complete any other assignments from the assignment bank. This gave me the chance to fully focus on my group’s radio project and allowed …
This week my group has been working to finish up our radio show project. We were able to meet up together on Wednesday and discuss our view points as well as the backgrounds of our characters. We decided on the main topic and have been putting together a script that includes our characters, placement of …
This week, my group has been brainstorming ideas for our upcoming radio show. While getting started, we had a late start. With this being midterms week, most of my group, including me, has been preoccupied with studying for other classes. By Thursday, we were all able to communicate with each other via slack where we …