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  1. Downes


    November 17, 2019. This is our stress case Alex lounging in the front hall waiting to snag anyone who goes by. Another day spent playing No Man's Sky.
  2. Downes


    November 14, 2019. I've started working on my paper on AI and ethics. I also played a bit with some VR as part of a study. I can't wait to try VR with No Man's Sky - this is my space ship, 'Nomad'.
  3. Downes

    Dark Snow

    November 13, 2019. Still recovering from jet lag, did odds and ends all day, including some editing. This is the driveway in the dark. It's too soon for winter!
  4. Downes


    November 12, 2019. First day back in the office today and right back into the fray with a meeting. But it was all OK. Spent the day catching up on email. Home tired with only enough time to capture this photo of out three year-old geraniums. https://fl...
  5. Downes

    Winter Again

    November 11, 2019. This is the scene on the front lawn the day after returning from Italy. I spent the day editing and uploading photos.
  6. Downes


    November 10, 2019. I was up at 4:00 to catch a cab at 5:00 that never showed up. It turns out that it is not easy to get to the airport early Sunday morning in Cagliari. Still, I managed. This mosaic was on display in Rome's Fiumicino airport - it was ...
  7. Downes

    Cagliari Botanical Gardens

    November 9, 2019. I was up bright and early and at the conference to deliver my paper. The presentations ended around 1:30 so I had time to visit the botanical gardens (in the rain). Early night tonight because I have a super-early flight to catch. htt...
  8. Downes

    Chiesa di Sant’Agostino

    November 5, 2019. I was a while finding my hotel, then walked around in Cagliari for a bit to get the knots out of my muscles. This was at the entrance to Chiesa di Sant Agostino - I couldn't say how old it is, 5 yrs or 500.
  9. Downes

    Airport at Dusk

    November 4, 2019. Looking out at Ottawa airport as I set out. First they would stuff me into a tiny CRJ, then into a 787 crammed to the gills where I could not move for 9 hours, then an even tinier seat in an A-320 that somehow sat 180 suffering souls....
  10. Downes


    November 6, 2019. Walked some 13 kilometers through the city - from the Bonaria cemetary, where this photo was taken, to the high point in the city, pictured in the photo. Then a few more km in the evening. First impressions - I like Cagliari a lot. ht...
  11. Downes

    Overflow Parking

    November 2, 2019. The Cost was for some reason really really crowded today, so we had to park in the overflow parking lot (usually I can just drive behind the store and park in the back, but even that was closed off. Today was a day for errands as I pr...
  12. Downes


    November 1, 2019. It's hard to tell from the photo, but there was a gale force wind all day - it knocked down trees, cut power, and generally wreaked havoc. My day consisted in part of a tour of the NRC fire safety facilities - interesting art deco arc...
  13. Downes


    October 31, 2019. This is what it looked like outside today as I drove home. This was actually better than it was earlier when we were wrapped in a thick fog. Now it's just dark and steady rain. Bleah. Spent today working on updating my projects databa...
  14. Downes

    Son of Bones

    October 30, 2019. The original Bones lasted more than 15 years, first in Moncton, then here. Son of Bones is enjoying his third Halloween.The grave stone came last year, when the village dug a burial plot in our front yard and put a sewage line in it. ...
  15. Downes


    October 29, 2019. This is what I saw first thing today as I prepared to go back into the office. Fog. Regular meeting, and an afternoon spent catching up on email and admin tasks. Made a slide for a group presentation.
  16. Downes

    From the Bridge

    October 28, 2019. Back home, running errands, replacing clothes that are somewhere in my lost baggage. This is the bridge at the Gloucester Costco. Posted my photos from Casablanca today.
  17. Downes


    October 27, 2019. Started my day thinking I had missed my flight in Abidjan, but made it just in time. This is the view from inside Casablanca airport; the crow is made from tires. Back home now. Still don't have my luggage. Apparently they 'closed the...
  18. Downes

    Thin Men

    October 25, 2019. Today was the last day of the conference. These were part of a display in the conference hotel (not where I was staying; I'm at a hotel near the airport, an arrangement that has worked out quite well, as traffic has been nothing near ...
  19. Downes


    October 24, 2019. 'Plateau' is the name of Abidjan's central business district, seen here from the hotel. After the panel, I took a walk around the hotel area - a short walk, because of the heat. Today jet lag caught up to me a bit, leaving me tired an...
  20. Downes

    Under African Skies

    October 23, 2019. The view from a rural area in Abidjan. The weather here: cloudy, rainy, and oh so hot. I spent the day at the conference today, with limited opportunities for photos. But the workshop experience was everything I had hoped for, by itse...
  21. Downes


    October 22, 2019. I arrived at an early morning hour sans luggage and promptly went to sleep until the afternoon. Then I had time only for a quick dash to Carrefour to buy some emergency supplies, then back to the hotel, some food, and back to sleep fo...
  22. Downes


    October 21, 2019. On the way to Abidjan I had a 13 hour layover in Casablanca. I made the most of the time and went for a madcap quick exploration, diving into the old city, having lunch at Rick's Cafe, waking through some sketchy markets, visiting the...
  23. Downes

    Night Flight

    October 20, 2019. I stayed up all night last night watching the ball game, listening to KEXP video and working on slides. Then I spent the day sleeping, waking in time to drive to Montreal and finih today by flying to Morocco.
  24. Downes

    Red Angus

    October 19, 2019. It was a beautiful October day and I spent as much of it outdoors as I could, but that wasn't much, as we ran errands and I spent a lot of time reading journal articles and preparing to travel tomorrow. Still, I did manage this pictur...
  25. Downes


    October 18, 2019. This is a slightly different view from normal of the M-55 building, taken while walking to a meeting this morning. Finished my handout for E-Learning Africa. Flight leaves Sunday night, I have a full day in Casablanca Monday, then ear...
  26. Downes


    October 17, 2019. Fall colours at NRC. Today was a very productive day, not so much in terms of research, but in getting forms filled, flights booked, appointments made, and the like. In other words, all the stuff that I'm really bad at and postpone as...
  27. Downes

    Internet in a Box

    October 16, 2019. I ordered an Internet in a Box and it arrived today. Worked with it a bit, got it running with ease, but still haven't figured out how to put my own content into one. Now that I have one in my hands, though, I can see how it's suppose...

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