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  1. Downes


    October 14, 2019. I took a much needed rest day today, not venturing outside (except to take this picture from our back yard), spending the day playing video games and watching baseball.
  2. Downes

    Country Road

    October 15, 2019. Reasonably productive day in the office today catching up on stuff missed while I was away. I took this photo on the way home, taking a dead-end side road off Russell Road to find this track in the fall forest.
  3. Downes

    Voting Day

    October 13, 2019. Because I will be out of the country on election day next week, I went to the advanced poll today and earned myself the right to complain for the next four years. It was also a shopping and errands day. Not much time this busy October...
  4. Downes

    Union Station

    October 12, 2019. Union Station has always been under construction. They appear to be almost finished (but not quite, because there can never be a time when it is not under construction). Took the train from here back to Casselman and home again. https...
  5. Downes

    Old City Hall

    October 10, 2019. Presentation day. I photographed this scene at the old city hall just before going in to give my talk. I couldn't help but notice the juxtaposition of the wealth and power and the homeless man sleeping on the street. It was in the bac...
  6. Downes


    October 9, 2019. This is the view from my hotel room, looking down Dundas. There's a lot of construction in this area as new sky-high Toronto pushes out this older less-affluent part of the city. More conference summaries today, more work on my talk. h...
  7. Downes


    October 8, 2019. First day in Toronto. I was up bright and early to get to the conference across the street from Toronto City Hall. Created a bunch of session summaries and spend an evening arguing politics with Rory McGreal.
  8. Downes

    Metcalfe Fair

    October 6, 2019. I have an early day tomorrow, but still we went to the Metcalfe Fair this afternoon. We didn't see any show horses, which was a bit of a surprise. It was a bit cool and the crowd was a bit off, but it was still a good time. https://fli...
  9. Downes

    No Man’s Sky

    September 4, 2019. Got working on my presentation for next week, but it was pretty hard to work without heat in the office, and when the internet stopped working that pretty much did me in. Went home, worked some more, then told myself to relax and pla...
  10. Downes

    Blue Jay

    October 2, 2019. We have a local blue jay who is feeding on the crab apples (they're very small, perfect blue jay size). Got started on my Toronto presentation today with a good outline and some references collected.
  11. Downes


    October 1, 2019. It was so foggy it was actually dark at midday. It was also very cold in the office. So a dank day overall, but I was still pretty productive, getting paperwork done and stuff off the table,
  12. Downes

    Whiterock Park

    September 30, 2019. Busy day with paperwork today, but I got out at lunch to buy a pair of pants and take a quick walk through this tiny park just inside the Vanier Parkway.
  13. Downes


    September 29, 2019. It has taken several years, but we now have milkweed plants producing seeds in the back yard. Nice fall day, a little cool, but I felt off so we ran errands in the city.
  14. Downes

    September Rain

    September 28, 2019. Muted fall colours in the back yard as a steady rain meant today was mostly an indoor day playing video games. Picked up my bike wheel - I haven't given up on the season just yet.
  15. Downes


    September 27, 2019. I went downtown today to be one of the few people with gray hair at the Climate Strike protest on Parliament Hill. Because I agree with the protesters - it's time for action. And we can't just depend on individual action - not in a ...
  16. Downes

    The Voyage Home

    September 26, 2019. Got up at a reasonable hour and took a full flight back to Ottawa, after which I went home, and that was my day. Managed to get a newsletter done at the airport.
  17. Downes

    The Leg

    September 25, 2019. Spent the full day with an enthusiastic group of people at Athabasca University doing a workshop on distributed learning technologies, then had dinner with my old NewsTrolls friend and colleague Jennifer. Took a stroll after to take...
  18. Downes


    September 24, 2019. Got up at ridiculous o'clock and flew to Edmonton, spending the bulk of my Tuesday preparing for my workshop. Had a nice meal at a downtown vegetarian restaurant, Kanu Cafe.
  19. Downes


    September 23, 2019. Another photo from the car window while stuck in traffic on the commute home. This followed a day working on DLT Slides and a quick visit to Costco.
  20. Downes


    September 22, 2019. We have a back yard full of milkweed and glowers and are reaping the butterfly benefit. I spent all day today working on my handout for my workshop next week.
  21. Downes

    Warwick Forest

    September 21, 2019. I had intended to take a longer ride but I didn't feel up to more than 50 km. That said, I do have a video. Trying to up my game a bit. Video is *very* amateur. https://flic.k...
  22. Downes

    Nation River

    September 20, 2019. For on of the last beautiful days of the year I took the day off and went cycling up the Nation River almost to Chesterville. This time next year this landscape will be completely different as the windmills come in; I saw them build...
  23. Downes

    Navan Road

    September 19, 2019. This photo was taken out my car window while at a dead stop on Navan Road. Spent a full day reviewing a proposed UNESCO resolution on OERs. I took this detour because of multiple accidents on the 417, but it was just as bad. https:/...
  24. Downes


    September 18, 2019. I stopped to take photos and ask questions about this unit I saw while I was at the dentist today (teeth are doing well, thank you). It's a milling and grinding unit used to make inlays, onlays, veneers, crowns, bridges, abutments, ...
  25. Downes

    Parked at Costco

    September 17, 2019. Mixed day today - staff meeting, working on workshop materials, yellow fever vaccination, shopping at Costco (here's my car, parked there), video games. Productive, but I didn't get a lot done.
  26. Downes


    September 16, 2019. Busy and productive day today spent preparing workshop materials. Stopped at the new Casselman subdivsion on the way home to see how it's going, and took this photo of some thistles (the thistles are the exception; almost half the l...
  27. Downes

    Apple Season

    September 15, 2019. I finished assessing the last of the proposals and then headed out cycling on a cool crisp afternoon. Quite by accident I visited two apple orchards; it's full-on apple season and people are able to pick their own. The corn and soyb...

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