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  1. Downes

    Loud Tulip

    July 13, 2019. This was a Costco day - where I say these tulips - and a rest day spent taking a nap and watching the ball game. The cats are overjoyed that we have returned.
  2. Downes

    The Trail

    July 11, 2019. Because I am very very stubborn, I decided to take the same route that I failed to complete a couple of days ago. Though the mountain threw everything it had at me - including a raging thunderstorm - I kicked. Its. Butt. 80 km, including...
  3. Downes

    To the Top

    July 10, 2019. Still at Mont Tremblant. Got both tires on my bicycle fixed but didn't really feel up to a ride, so we took the gondola to the top of the mountain and looked at butterflies and walked up and down hills (which wasn't really easier than bi...
  4. Downes

    Setting Out

    July 9, 2019. In this photo I've looking back on Mont Tremblant as I set out for a bike ride to Riviere Rouge. It would have been an epic 85km ride, but I wore out my tire through the tread until it exploded with a fitful BANG at km 55, on the way back...
  5. Downes

    Blues Festival

    July 8, 2019. We are in Mont Tremblant for the week to enjoy the mountain scenery and the blues festival. This is what we saw on arrival, the acoustic jam on the main stage,
  6. Downes

    White Admiral

    July 7, 2019. I rode the 25 km to Maxville in near record time, so I took the long way back, through Moose Creek, stopping at the “Menzies McRae and Family” Recreational Trail, which is where I photographed this beauty. It was a perfect day for cycling...
  7. Downes

    Creeping Jenny

    July 6, 2019. I took a day off cycling to let myself recover. I've been in a generally down mood today (I have to stop thinking about work, it just depresses me). This is creeping jenny in our back yard.
  8. Downes

    McDougall Park

    July 5, 2019. Today's ride was to Russell and back. Humidex: 40 degrees or more, distance: 55 km. It was my fastest run of the year and actually felt pretty good most of the way. That's about it for today.
  9. Downes

    Warwick Forest

    July 4, 2019. Spotted this interesting rose (?) in Warwick Forest, where I had lunch on my 54 km ride on a sweltering 32 degree day to Finch and back. That was pretty much my day, though I also did a newsletter and spent some time looking for ways to s...
  10. Downes


    July 3, 209. We ran some errands in the city - including a trip to the camera shop to get the sensor cleaned on the D750. This mastodon lives just outside the Museum of Nature in downtown Ottawa.
  11. Downes

    Bearbrook Church

    July 2, 2019. I went on a 67 km ride today, tacking the loop to Vars that gave me a lot of trouble the last time out. This time was much better - I added an extra segment that took me to Bearbrook (on Russell Road) and despite 32 degree heat managed ju...
  12. Downes

    Japanese Dancer

    July 1, 2019. It was a brilliantly beautiful summer day and we went to the baseball game featuring Ottawa Champions against the Shikoku Island All Stars. It was great watching the Japanese players and we also enjoyed the culture and festivities. https:...
  13. Downes


    June 30, 2019. Enallagma cyathigerum (common blue damselfly, common bluet, or northern bluet) in our backyard. Quiet day spent napping, watching the ball game, messing with some code, and playing No Man's Sly.
  14. Downes

    Turkey Vulture

    June 29, 2019. Went on a nice 66 km ride to Kenmore and back on a steaming hot day with moderate wind. Best speed of the year, by far. On the way back (right where I had my flat the other day, within a few feet) I spotted a flock of 6 or 7 turkey vultu...
  15. Downes

    Storm Front

    June 28, 2019. Some interesting weather today spotted outside my office window. Last day before vacation, started utterly nothing new today, but got some reading done and worked a bit on content addressable resources.
  16. Downes

    Vetch and Honeybee

    June 27, 2019. The day before the day before vacation, which means I wasn't especially productive. I did, however, take this nice photo of the vetch growing wild in out backyard.
  17. Downes


    June 26, 2019. We had people up on the roof bright and early this morning to replace our old wind-torn roof with a shiny new wind-proof roof. Meanwhile I spent the day setting up registration for the 2019 E-Learning 3.0 course and reading for OLDaily. ...
  18. Downes

    Milkweed Flower Buds

    June 25, 2019. It has taken us a few years to coax our milkweeds into flowering but this year we have been successful, as an abundance of milkweed buds demonstrates. Meeting today and then an online seminar - we called it a 'photoconference' because th...
  19. Downes

    Raspberry Flower

    June 18, 2019. This is a raspberry flower in our front yard, with the photo taken at dusk. I had four meetings today in what was overall a pretty good day. One of them was a podcast interview that will be released in a couple weeks.
  20. Downes

    On the Land

    June 17, 2019. I took a personal mental health day today. No work, no newsletter, no stress, nothing but lots of sleep and a long bike ride in the country on what was a perfect day.

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