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  1. Downes


    May 10, 2019. This is Lexi assuming her "I'm so cute" pose as I take her photo. Did some project review work, more editing on a collaborative article, and some reading.
  2. Downes

    Goldfinch in Flight

    May 8, 2019. It's virtually impossible to get a photo of a goldfinch, let along one of a goldfinch in flight, but I got lucky with this shot of one in our backyard today. Another day spent working on the paper collaboration, and also, I picked up my ne...
  3. Downes


    May 7, 2019. Spotted these angus cows on the way home today. Future angus burgers, I thought (I have no idea whether this is true; they may be show cows for local Highland games). I spent most of the day working on a paper collaboration, plus a little ...
  4. Downes

    Think Safety!

    May 6, 2019. These signs popped up all over the NRC campus today. Meanwhile, I had a surprisingly busy day, welcoming a new co-op student, getting a new ID badge, and updating a funding proposal review.
  5. Downes


    May 5, 2019. These hyacinths are the first flowers to make an appearance in our garden this year. It was finally a beautiful sunny day today (which I spent resting and watching the ball game).
  6. Downes

    Willow Flowers

    May 4, 2019. Got out for my first 50km bike ride of the season. Cold and cloudy. But there are signs of spring, like these willow flowers along the road.
  7. Downes

    Algonquin Park

    May 3, 2019. Today was spent driving home from Barrie. This is just inside the west gate. Another first for me - the first time I've been to Algonquin Park.
  8. Downes


    <ay 2, 2019. Started the day by completing my newsletter, then went back to Borden for the tech Expo, then drove up to visit Orillia, which I had also never seen before. Made it an early evening.
  9. Downes


    May 1, 2019. This is downtown Barrie - my first visit to the city. I spent the day at Base Borden at a learning innovations conference, and in the evening we went to a microbrewery called Flying Monkeys.
  10. Downes

    The Road to Borden

    April 30, 2019. This is a scene somewhere past Perth on the road to Borden, a Canadian Forces base north of Toronto, near Barrie, where I'm talking tomorrow. This drive followed this morning's doctor's appointment. Check-up. All good so far. https://fl...
  11. Downes


    April 29, 2019. This is a merlin, also known as a ladyhawk (falco columbarius). No doubt attracted by all the birds out back, it was perched in one of our trees just as I got home from the office (I really wish I had a big lens and clear windows). All ...
  12. Downes


    April 28, 2019. Spent the day working on slides for next week - didn't rush, just added slides in a leisurely fashion. Also watched the ball game, which was fun. Cold day outside, but the grackles are out doing their thing.
  13. Downes

    Vladdy Weekend

    April 27, 2019. This is a blurry picture of Vladamir Guerrero Jr. as seen through my monitor, taken with my camera. I think it represents well the environment surrounding his first two games as a Blue Jay. I watched them both, both were wins, and I've ...
  14. Downes


    April 26, 2019. Pretty good day today. I got the next draft of my paper finished, and wrote a post. These stairs are tucked into a corner of M-55 -- they seem like nobody uses them, but someone must, because someone takes the time to post a 'closed' si...
  15. Downes

    Bite This

    April 25, 2019. Living the Westboro lifestyle. I was in the trendy part of Richmond Road this morning for a client meeting and took some time to have a street-food style lunch (which was delicious) and to pick up an Ortleib bike bag. This afternoon I f...
  16. Downes

    Vintage Iron

    April 24, 2019. A bolt in my office chair broke today and I spotted this bright pink threshing machine on the way to get a replacement. It's in preparation for threshing machine fundraiser slated for this August in support of breast cancer research. Go...
  17. Downes

    Eye Exam

    April 23, 2019. I had an eye exam this morning and to my surprise my eyes are slightly better. That's because ageing changes the shape of my lens, but does so in a way that offsets the nearsightedness I was born with.
  18. Downes


    April 22, 2019. One of a set of nine photos from my bike ride. All the photos from today were taken from the exact same spot on the road, where I took my break, nowhere near any town. Here's my biking set.
  19. Downes

    My Mother

    April 21, 2019. In the aftrenoon I went for a bike ride - photos here and then in the evening got together with family - photos here.
  20. Downes

    Northern Flicker

    April 20, 2019. Spent the day indoors working on a scraper for gRSShopper and adding chapters to my upcoming ebook. Meanwhile, the songbirds are flocking to our backyard, joined by this Northern Flicker.
  21. Downes

    Alex Helps

    April 19, 2019. I finished a paper today with plenty of help from Alex. He wasn't as interested in the ball game after as I was. Still, he fits perfectly in my home office. (I like the light in this photo)
  22. Downes


    April 18, 2019. I was sitting at the mall waiting while my snow tires were changed and I looked at the scene and thought "nobody ever takes pictures of the ordinary and mundane, like this parking lot." So I did.
  23. Downes


    April 17, 2019. This is a vine along the fence-line on the train tracks in front of the house. You can see the trunk and branch structure really clearly - this is obscured when it has leaves. Wrote a scraper for gRSShopper over the last couple of days ...
  24. Downes

    Roof Repairs

    April 16, 2019. We had some patches applied to our roof in advance of what are likely roof repairs. You can see where we lost a large chunk of shingles. We're hoping insurance will cover it. A new roof, by the way, costs a *lot* of money. https://flic....
  25. Downes


    April 15, 2019. Coming home from what turned out to be an unpleasant day at the office I spotted this controller (drone? racing car?) just sitting by itself on the cement wall. Nobody else in sight.
  26. Downes


    April 14, 2019. Today's weather was cold and rainy, so no biking today - I stayed inside and wrote a couple of articles instead, one on the carbon tax, and another on the concept of value. Also watched the Blue Jays game, but we're not talking about th...
  27. Downes

    Spring Ride

    April 13, 2019. It was warmer and sunny today, so I was able to get out for my first bike ride of the season. It was also really windy, so it wasn't as pleasant as you might think. This is a scene from the ride to St. Albert and back - 14 km each way, ...
  28. Downes

    Activité de réseautage

    April 12, 2019. I was up early for this networking event at Université de Montréal. It was, as the title suggests, held entirely in French - still a challenge for me, but I was able to participate OK, including giving a short impromptu presentation abo...
  29. Downes


    April 11, 2019. I went to Montreal in the evening to be there for an early morning event. During a short walk around the hotel I spotted this poor gnome, head in hand, sitting and waiting for the snow to go away.
  30. Downes


    April 10, 2019. This picture is from York Street downtown where I ran an errand today. I also got a funding review completed and an ethics final report submitted. So, overall, a productive day. I think yesterday's baseball game (Lordes Gurriel stole *h...

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