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  1. @Kim

    My Future in History

    As this semester comes closer and closer to ending I have to start thinking about what in History interests me the most looking ahead. Thinking about my past assignments and what I enjoy I honestly cannot say that there is not a singular thing that I like more than others, I enjoy learning about World […]
  2. @Kim


    So one of my assignments is to create a timeline for this website. Another is to write a literature review on my topic of Holocaust Denial. So here we go. 🙂
  3. @Kim

    My Favorite Methodology

    So the prompt is to pick my favorite methodology or historiographical school and talk about it and how it fits in history and so on. I honestly don’t know how to answer that question though, I like the study of history on its own and I don’t have a favorite topic or time period, I […]
  4. @Kim

    The Utility of Digital Tools

    So the topic this time around is to discuss how digital tools are beneficial to the professional world, naturally being a history class of history majors the focus being more on the historical profession than anything else. I had to look up the definition for digital tools to make sure I had it right…I did […]
  5. @Kim

    How Much Power Shapes an Archive?

    In order to build an archive you have to have some kind of power, this is not saying you have to be a politician or a monarch in order to decide all of what is remembered in history, an archive can be considered whatever is saved in order to make memories or provide like you […]
  6. @Kim

    The History of Why I like History

    When I was in high school, I thought I wanted to be a marine biologist, it was something that had always seemed fun and exciting to me. I had always been interested in History, however, I was one of those strange kids that liked history and science rather than history and English or math and […]

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