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  1. @wade_764

    Final Cut is handy!

    The process for making this assignment was pretty straightforward. I was asked to find various clips from movies or tv shows and add music to the background. I decided to take clips from some movies I had rewatched recently. I first found the clips online and downloaded them. The next step was creating a new project and uploading the files to the program. I found it a bit easier to identify timestamps with YouTube and then select the right parts in Final Cut. My favorite feature so far with the program is the ability to extract the audio from a…
  2. @k8lynclements

    Suicide Squad Music Change

    Video Crack – 4.5 Stars For this assignment I had to take clips from a movie and place music over it to change the scene feeling. I decided to use Suicide Squad again because I had already downloaded clips from my video essay. I watched the clips and thought about what songs would change the feeling of them. The first clips I did was with Harley and The Joker out running Batman in their car. I overlapped this scene with the...

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