1. John Johnston

    Spinning some Gifs

    Jim Groom and Scottlo pointed out Oxford Dictionaries USA Word of the Year 2012: ‘to GIF’. This got me watching a few old clips and movies looking for something to gif. Last night we were watching tv, a documentary about singles, with lots of archive clips with a fair bit of gif potential. I’ve run ...
  2. John Johnston

    The DS106 Basement

    Recycle The Media — MISSION: DS106 using media from http://minus.com/mvKXzhhcO mashup at least 7 different pieces of this media to make a new story, and use at least 2 different types. Looking at the ds106 phonar recycle bin my eye was caught by a lot of bars, and I started thinking of being in a ...
  3. John Johnston

    Still Digging

    So this morning before heading to work I checked the daily create, it says:Spend the day taking photos only in black and white. Post a collage or your best one. I’ve not been to inspired by the daily creates of late, but this looked like a good one. Nothing to do with the quality of tdc, ...
  4. John Johnston

    Hitching a Lift on the DS106 Express

    Recently Alan was musing on the drop off in open online participants in DS106, this was continued on Zombies for Peace (or narrative) Some comments suggest that ds106 has too much tech and not enough story, I guess it can go that way, the tech is certainly the easiest bit of ds106, but participants, particularly ...
  5. John Johnston

    Dancing to the DS106 Tune

    I was quite please with my picture yesterday, but Alan called me out (as I believe they say in ds106): His comment made me update the post with as much as I could recall of the backstory. Who is the monkey got me thinking: Original Organ Grinder picture from: File:Organ grinder with monkey.jpg – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
  6. John Johnston

    Monkeying Around in Time

    Last week I saw Who’s That Cute Kid on The Beach? – CogDogBlog, started in on it. This that and a MechanicalMooc got in the way of finishing and I am glad they did. Today I came home from work to find my #DS106 t-shirt had arrived. A no brainer: I grabbed the original photo ...
  7. John Johnston


    20 Minute Photo Challenge: ds106 Photoblitz – CogDogBlog So this is how we set it up: Here is an exercise we did in class as a fun way to try out your visual interpretation skills. We give you a series of things to capture in photos you must capture within a 20 minute window of ...
  8. John Johnston

    homebrewing gifsicle

    gifsicle is a commandline tool for animating gifs. I’ve blogged about it before, and created a simple gui for it to grab animated gifs from a movie. I checked the site for updates today and noticed that there is now a Mac OS X homebrew package. For folk like myself who do not spend much ...
  9. John Johnston

    Say it like Tequila

    I see another round of DS106 has started, I have too many balls in the air at the moment to do more than watch it flow through my reader. Then I saw Week 2: Bootcamping It: This week, we’re also going to ask you to do your very first digital storytelling assignment from the ds106 ...
  10. Mike Berta

    Creation and Connectedness

    How can we create (anything) if we are not connected? DS106 asks this question right away in the way the students of the course spend the opening weeks connecting to the content, the faculty, and each other. It isn’t an outright question but rather one of an assumed response; you can’t. We need to be connected..
  11. Mike Berta

    Another Hole in the Head

    Last May I joined the DS106 crowd as a fun way to develop myself professionally and join a talented group of people doing amazing work. I wrote that I needed to do this like a hole in the head and here we are a few month later and I am standing here with a drill..
  12. Urbie Delgado


    I’m an instructional designer of the elearning/distance-ed variety. I think, or thought, I had a good grasp of educational technology. Some time ago I participated in ds106, an online open digital storytelling course; it emphasized technology. Anyway I thought I … Continue reading
  13. Chanda Cowger

    The Value of My Experience at DS106

    As I write my final “letter home” or weekly reflection, I will share advice with future ds106 participants, especially students. Understand that I write this from the perspective of an adult student, in my mid-30′s, in the midst of a successful, demanding career, with a family and home to manage…all while balancing a school agenda, pursing ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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