1. John Johnston

    DS106 Confusion

    Create a ds106 radio bumper Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. This one is pretty simple. Short segment from Gnawa Diffusion‘s Frik Fashion. I’ve enjoyed Gnawa Diffusion for a few years while hardly understanding a word of their lyrics (in Arabic, ...
  2. Giulia

    Archiving Insights

    I’ve just returned from three excellent professional development events: BC Campus Online Community Enthusiasts (#OCE2012), Northern Voice (#nv12) and Society for Teaching, Learning in Higher...
  3. Chanda Cowger

    DS106: I’ll Have What She’s Having!

    One of this week’s require assignment is Audio Assignments 36—Create a ds106 radio bumper (2 stars). I confess that I have not yet tuned into ds106 radio. To get a sense of some of the other bumpers that have been created I started trolling my way through other campers blogs, noting what I liked or ...
  4. John Johnston

    Bobbie and Me

    SongStory — MISSION: DS106 My memories fade over time, but sometimes there is a song that can take me back to a place that revives the memories of my past. The song allows me to remember things I thought I had forgotten. So, for an assignment, pick a song that does that for you, and ...
  5. Chanda Cowger

    Behind Door Four…Design and More!

    Hi Mom, Hi Dad! (**yes, I know they will REALLY see this! I’ve shared my web address with them!) Week 4 at Camp MacGuffin was Design Week! Learned lots and accomplished a lot, but still lagged by a day or so. So here’s an overview of what the last week held for me in ds106: ...
  6. John Johnston

    Falling short

    After last week’s excitement, I have fallen a little short of my own expectations this week. I’ve not been near minecraft, didn’t even get started on the Design Safari. I manage one Design Assignment, the creative commons one and then tried the Lyric Typography Poster.. I saw a couple of great results (and this looks like ...
  7. Chanda Cowger

    Fallout in Fredericksburg

    Metaphors and Symbols in design are a simplistic way to communicate in a “universal” language. When using symbolism, it is not always necessary to use words. For instance, with street signs, one is not required to know how to READ words on the signs, but rather to know what the shapes, colors, and symbols or ...
  8. Kevin Murphy

    The Most Wanted

    First I got a picture of Dr.Oblivion off of google images, then I used paint to create this poster. I thought this was a cool quick assignment I used red because I think it makes the poster seem more urgent.
  9. Behind Blue Eyes

    Apocalypse Anyone?

    Design Assignments 473—Otherworldly Distortion (1 star). Take a picture of a geographical location on earth and try to alter or distort it to make it seem like its from a foreign dimension. This was a fun and easy assignment. I started with another photo I took yesterday in the mountains of Virginia. With Picasa, I ...
  10. Chanda Cowger

    Mother Nature’s Mountain Rhythm

    This is a photo I took yesterday on our way back from Lexington. This beautiful mountain valley scenic overlook off of I-64, showcases Mother Nature’s design rhythm. The majestic, tree covered mountain range has a fluid movement about it, with it curves, evaluations, and spacing. It tempts your eyes to flow the curves, texture of ...
  11. Behind Blue Eyes

    Memorial Minimalism in Design

    Yesterday, Dave & I took a drive from Fredericksburg to Lexington, Va. It was a beautiful day for that scenic drive. On the way back, near sunset, we stopped at one of the established “scenic overlooks” along I-64 near Afton Mountain, outside of Charlottesville. Here we found the VDOT Workers’ Memorial. This monument, built solely ...
  12. Mike Berta

    Postcard from the Edge

    I always liked the idea of someone being at the very edge of things and sending back a postcard. I’m never sure if it is because they want others to join them, wish they were back home, or just excited to see how the world barrels over the edge into a pool of oblivion. None..
  13. Mike Berta

    Postcard from the Edge

    I always liked the idea of someone being at the very edge of things and sending back a postcard. I'm never sure if it is because they want others to join them, wish they were back home, or just excited to see how the world barrels over the edge into a ...
  14. Chanda Cowger

    Designer Breakfast with a Berry Splash

    For Design Assignment 593, we are directed to review the best design assignments from DS106 at DS106 Inspire. Pick one of the examples and write a blog post in which you articulate what makes this completed assignment a great design example. (2 stars) I chose linda3dots’ Berry Splash, because it jumped off the page of ...
  15. Mike Berta

    Five Guys

    Nope, not the burger chain but the five slide guy picks for Week 3's design 10 stars challenge in DS106/Magic MacGuffin.Yeah, I know I'm a week late with this but late doesn't mean it ain't done, just that I'm late with it. Week 4 steps it up with anot...
  16. Chanda Cowger

    Domineering Downtown Dwelling

    Dominance simply sounds like a controlling, authoritative word. In design, it holds the same meaning. Creating dominance in design makes creative use of size, color, density, value, and white space to create the effect of one object being larger than others, hogging the space, begging for attention. In this image of a building on Princess ...
  17. John Johnston

    Create Your Own Smartphone App

    Create Your Own Smartphone App — MISSION: DS106 Although it seems like smartphones can do anything these days, every iPhone, Android, or BlackBerry owner can think of one thing they wish they’re phone could do. Well here’s your chance. Come up with your dream application and then create a picture that encompasses what the App ...
  18. Giulia

    Surreal Moments

    So I’m sitting here at Toronto International Pearson Airport en route to Vancouver for Northern Voice, grabbing a bite to eat. On the television, Germany...
  19. John Johnston

    I got this picture from google

    What is Creative Commons? | Flickr – Photo Sharing! by Enokson I’ve been using Creative Commons media since I discovered the web 2 world. It makes perfect sense to me. I’ve just added the same license to this blog Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 UK: Scotland License as I use on my ‘real blog‘ I ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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