1. Kristin Vossler

    Week 5 Story Critique

    For this week’s story critique, I chose “Dear Grandma” by Matt MacArthur. I was searching YouTube for digital stories and came across this one. Previously I had only searched within the suggested websites but decided to just search blindly on YouTube to see what was out there! “Dear Grandma” features a man’s voice speaking about his grandmother. It begins with him stating that he was thinking about her and her funeral when he was 11 years old. It goes on to tell interesting facts about his
  2. Kristin Vossler

    Week 5 Story Critique

    For this week’s story critique, I chose “Dear Grandma” by Matt MacArthur. I was searching YouTube for digital stories and came across this one. Previously I had only searched within the suggested websites but decided to just search blindly on YouTube to see what was out there! “Dear Grandma” features a man’s voice speaking about his grandmother. It begins with him stating that he was thinking about her and her funeral when he was 11 years old. It goes on to tell interesting facts about his
  3. Kristin Vossler

    Week 5 Story Critique

    For this week’s story critique, I chose “Dear Grandma” by Matt MacArthur. I was searching YouTube for digital stories and came across this one. Previously I had only searched within the suggested websites but decided to just search blindly on YouTube to see what was out there! “Dear Grandma” features a man’s voice speaking about his grandmother. It begins with him stating that he was thinking about her and her funeral when he was 11 years old. It goes on to tell interesting facts about his
  4. Kristin Vossler

    Chapter 3 New Literacies

    For Chapter Three of New Literacies I found myself looking up many terms and definitions. One of the words that really stood out to me was folksonomy. Folksonomy is defined as a system in which users tag online items to aid in searching for and finding those items. I realized after looking up the definition that I knew what it was but not what it was called. As a newer user of various social media tools like Twitter and Flickr, this concept is new to me and I am still figuring it all out. I
  5. Kristin Vossler

    Chapter 3 New Literacies

    For Chapter Three of New Literacies I found myself looking up many terms and definitions. One of the words that really stood out to me was folksonomy. Folksonomy is defined as a system in which users tag online items to aid in searching for and finding...
  6. Kristin Vossler

    Chapter 3 New Literacies

    For Chapter Three of New Literacies I found myself looking up many terms and definitions. One of the words that really stood out to me was folksonomy. Folksonomy is defined as a system in which users tag online items to aid in searching for and finding those items. I realized after looking up the definition that I knew what it was but not what it was called. As a newer user of various social media tools like Twitter and Flickr, this concept is new to me and I am still figuring it all out. I
  7. Kristin Vossler

    Week 5 Daily Create

     I happened to get up early and noticed that today's daily create was to create a GIF for someone's birthday. The preference was to use a picture of a dog. Even though I didn't know the person for whom we were celebrating I jumped at the chance to make a gif since that on my list of things I don't know how to do :) I downloaded the app, "Giphy" and scrolled through looking for a dog. This Corgi playing the piano was quite cute and I thought it would be perfect for him to be learning to play
  8. Kristin Vossler

    Week 5 Daily Create

     I happened to get up early and noticed that today's daily create was to create a GIF for someone's birthday. The preference was to use a picture of a dog. Even though I didn't know the person for whom we were celebrating I jumped at the chance to make a gif since that on my list of things I don't know how to do :) I downloaded the app, "Giphy" and scrolled through looking for a dog. This Corgi playing the piano was quite cute and I thought it would be perfect for him to be learning to play
  9. @ennasuite

    Digital Story Critique 4: We gon’ be alright

    The Grammy Awards are tomorrow night. Kendrick Lamar is going to win several Grammy awards. I say this with as much certainty as the artist himself possesses when he says, “We gon’ be alright” – the chorus from the song Alright, which is nominated for an award and will win it. This digital story was produced by the … Continue reading Digital Story Critique 4: We gon’ be alright
  10. @DarrenDBlackman

    For True Loves on the Range! – Daily Create 1498

    I wanted to find a way to highlight the relationship between cowboy and horse for this daily create challenge. My wife suggested incorporating the  horse with beautiful hair meme, I used MakeAMeme.org to create this image and it could not have been simpler. I searched for the horse image, added text and downloaded the image. […]
  11. @ennasuite

    Scholarship Response: “My Journey into Digital Storytelling—Teaching Using Digital Means”

    I have chosen to discuss a teacher’s account of his experience and experimentation with digital storytelling with his students. I say experimentation because the scope and requirements of his assignments changed over time, as he assessed their learning impact and effectiveness. Kevin Cordi realized that his students were interacting with digital spaces constantly each day, … Continue reading Scholarship Response: “My Journey into Digital Storytelling—Teaching Using Digital Means”
  12. @jdf2160

    DS106 Assignment Bank

    AnimatedGIFAssignments, AnimatedGIFAssignments1789 click on this link: Bartok Had to DO.ANOTHER.ONE. This is Bartok. He came to us spring 2014, born on Thanksgiving, 2013. Misha, is his owner, but he is loved by all of us! He has been special because we moved from a not a thriving home life (26+ years of marriage); sadly the summer ’14 […]
  13. @lewis648t


    In response to the ds106 Video Assignment “Six Second Art” I created a simple little picture. Onto the blank paper and a little water, drizzle in the color of the forest. And, lo, a fox appears. Or a wolf. Or maybe a “folf” fox-wolf hybrid. Bred for its skills in magic. Inspired by the assignment […]
  14. @jdf2160

    DS106 Assignment Bank

    AnimatedGIFAssignments, AnimatedGIFAssignments1789 http://makeagif.com/EqMcty Here is my first GIF. It’s supposed to be “animals doing funny things”; I have the animal, but it is not so funny, or maybe it is…the world can judge. This was fun!  
  15. @eLearn_Design

    Video Assignment: Jurassic World Spoiler

    Feature_ImageVisual Assignment from the DS106 Assignment Bank: Spoil a Movie in 30 Seconds or Less…or…Jurassic World Spoiler in Exactly 43 Seconds *I am currently working my way through my fourth semester of the Information and Learning Technologies master’s program at University of Colorado, Denver.  This is the second post within a series of Creative Assignments that I’ve been tasked with completing for […]
  16. @DPettit_edu

    Competition Time!

    It’s homebrewing competition time! The first one for me this year is the 27th annual Reggale and Drehop competition put on by the Boulder County Homebrewers Club. I entered in 5 brews: Session Vienna Lager (Vienna Lager) Gin Trip (Belgian Tripel
  17. @jdf2160

    Week 4: Scholarship Critique

    I found this website perusing for articles that will guide and enhance what I am about day in and day out at my elementary school. The website is called “eLearning Industry” and it is all about Scenario Based Learning. When I opened said link, this is what I found for their statement. Scenario based learning […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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