1. christinerubel


    For our Design Blitz challenge, we had to carry our camera with us this week and take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least four concepts listed (one photo per concept). For my four concepts, I chose typography, balance, proportion, and dominance. The following is a link to my Flickr Design Blitz album: […]
  2. tsfairbank

    Blog Post on Completed DesignBlitz

    DesignBlitz Rhythm: “Rhythm is the repetition or alternation of elements, often with defined intervals between them. Rhythm can create a sense of movement, and can establish pattern and texture. There are many different kinds of rhythm, often defined by the feeling it evokes when looking at it.” This photo represents rhythm. I believe it follows the […]
  3. tsfairbank


    This picture was taken of a pillow at my friend Cam’s house on Tuesday. I believe this pillow represents the idea of rhythm. This picture was taken on the Fourth of July of a firework. I believe it represents color scheme. This picture was taken last week when I was at the beach of a shark […]
  4. crodenbo94

    Week 2

    This week was definitely a little more challenging than the first.  But I did learn a lot of new things.  I think that I completed the assignments pretty well for the most part.  The only things that gave me trouble … Continue reading
  5. tsfairbank

    Reflection on the Vignelli Cannon

    For this assignment we had to read a book called Vignelli Cannon by Massimo Vignelli. Before I began I looked through how long the book was and realized that its going to take me awhile to read. But as I was reading I found it quick to read because it was really interesting. The author broke […]
  6. snakesrcool

    Draw on a Napkin

    Decided to draw the bridge that my family usually crosses over to go to Cape Cod and give it to my parents. Its kinda of a tradition to be the first one to spot the bridge, I thought they would find this funny.
  7. usman2448

    Part I:Audio Story Telling

    In my life, radio plays a very important role due to the fact that It keep me connected to rest of the world. I’m not saying that i only use radio to stay connected to the world, but what i’m saying is that radio is one of the media that...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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