Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. christinerubel

    Week 5 Summery

    This week was probably my favorite week. I’ve enjoyed this course and learned a lot from CPSC106. This week was our final week. We completed our final project and other projects. Everything went smoothly thankfully. The only difficulty I had was trying to think of what I should do for my Tutorial. I feel that […]
  2. christinerubel

    Final Project: Swarley the Missing Dinosaur

    Once upon a time there was a little dinosaur named Swarley. One day when he was going for a walk in the woods with his parents, he suddenly fell down a hill while his parents weren’t looking! Swarley got knocked unconscious. His parents searched and yelled for him but poor Swarley couldn’t answer. When Swarley […]
  3. christinerubel

    Week 5 Summery

    This week was probably my favorite week. I’ve enjoyed this course and learned a lot from CPSC106. This week was our final week. We completed our final project and other projects. Everything went smoothly thankfully. The only difficulty I had was trying to think of what I should do for my Tutorial. I feel that […]
  4. christinerubel

    Video for Week 5

    This video is of Swarley’s late night walk on his first night separated from his parents. I made this one night walking around my apartment. I recorded a few videos on my phone then uploaded it onto my computer using a cable. Next I used Window’s Movie Maker to compile all the videos and add […]
  5. christinerubel

    Audio for Week 5

    When Swarley was listening to the radio, he heard this Missing Report broadcast from his parents Rosie and Frankie. He became very excited when he heard that his parents were looking for him. Voice00007 I recorded this on my phone’s Voice Recorder app. The voices were of my fiance and I. I then downloaded it onto […]
  6. christinerubel

    Visual Writing for Week 5

    Swarley the Dinosaur has been feeling down lately without the comfort of his parents. He hopes to find them soon, but in the meantime, he wrote this Haiku poem expressing how he has been feeling and what he has been going through during the search for ...
  7. christinerubel

    Visual Design for Week 5

    For my character Swarley the Dinosaur, I have compiled a collage of his family photos for my Visual Design. Swarley the Dinosaur needs this collage to help find his family. He got lost and now he is on an adventure to find them! Using a collage maker online called BeFunky, I was able to put […]
  8. christinerubel

    Creating your Own Digital Assignment

    I chose to do a Writing Assignment! I called it “A Haiku Poem About A Haiku Poem” and deemed it four stars. My description of for the assignment is: “For this Writing Assignment, you’re asked to write a haiku poem about haiku poems. You can write about what people normally write in a haiku poem, how a haiku poem […]
  9. christinerubel

    Daily Create

    “The what-if machine prompts! Use the what-if machine to write a DS106 world story.” I went to the website and formed the following “what-if” sentence for Disney! It was fun and very easy to create. What if there was a little frog who couldn't find the lily pad? #ds106 #dailycreate #thewhatifmachine — Christine Rubel (@ChristineRubel) […]
  10. christinerubel

    Week 4 Summery

    This week wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I had a lot of fun will my assignments. My favorite assignments this week were probably watching the cinematic technique videos and creating my own tutorial. The cinematic technique videos weren’t what I was expecting. I was expecting some old guy talking […]
  11. christinerubel

    Creating your Own Digital Assignment

    Create Your Own Logo! For my digital assignment, I chose the category of Design Assignment. My assignment is to create your very own logo. You can make up your own unique item and make a logo for it or use an existing item and recreate the logo! Have fun with it, make it colorful if […]
  12. christinerubel

    Video Assignments: Sweet Message

    “Create a video for someone special in your life and add music to it. Use YouTube or any of the video sites to upload it. First, video tape yourself saying a message about the person your talking about. Let your feeling out, tell them how you feel about them or that your happy about being […]
  13. christinerubel

    Video Assignments: Signing Words

    “This assignment requires you to take a video of yourself or someone else and finger spell a word or a phrase in Sign Language alphabet and let others guess what you have spelled. Make sure you do a word that is bigger then 5 letters so you can learn some of the letters.” I am […]
  14. christinerubel

    Look, Listen, Analyze: Pirates of the Caribbean

    “You will now analyze the clip by watching it three times, in different ways.” I chose the scene called Escape (4th scene) by the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Analyze the camera work. “Before watching the first time, turn the volume on the clip (or on your computer) all the way down. Take notes […]
  15. christinerubel

    Cinematic Techniques: Summarize three videos

    Stanley Kubrick // One-Point Perspective: Kubrick’s short video is all about having a center focus. It has a lot to do with symmetry in a film shot. This symmetry draws the viewer’s eyes to the center and main focus of the picture. This video had music, no sound, and very short clips from (what looks like) scary […]
  16. christinerubel

    Reading Movies!

    “You have likely watched plenty of movies, but when we say “reading” movies, we mean looking at them with a keener eye for the cinematic elements that make them successful (or not). This is not about reviews of “good” or “bad” movies, but how well they convey the story to all our senses, how well […]
  17. christinerubel

    Daily Create: hyperbolic tilings

    “How awesome is this? Make your own and show us!” Today we are asked to make a hyperbolic tiling photo! I looked up examples on google images and I found a lot of different and fascinating photos. I used Paint on my computer and created my very own hyperbolic tiling photo. It was pretty easy and […]
  18. christinerubel

    Daily Create: Magical Light

    “Take a photo that shows us magical light.” I took this photo one night when I drove home. The light is coming from a sidewalk lamp and it just rained (that’s why there’s rain drops on my windshield). I thought this picture was so entreating and magical! Enjoy!  
  19. christinerubel

    Daily Create: Make a support poster!

    “Our friends at the Public Domain Review need support. You may or may not be able to become a friend, but we can make awesome poster here in DS106. Make a poster from their images asking people to support the project!” I looked on Public Domain Review’s website and found an article called The Serious […]
  20. christinerubel

    Weekly Summery 3

    During Week 3, we learned about sound, radio, and music. The assignment that I struggled with this week the most would have to be trying to figure out Audacity on my computer. I am not good with technology so this class has really been kicking my butt and making me work very hard. I always […]
  21. christinerubel

    Audio Assignments: Sound Effects Story

    “Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds.” I made a short story using sounds from Freesounds. My story is about a person entering their home, hearing […]
  22. christinerubel

    Daily Create: Bring back trashy covers

    “Create your own trashy cover from a favorite book.” I decided to do the cover of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I chose this cover because it was this book that started my love of William Shakespeare’s plays. Ever since, I’ve read and loved so many of his plays. I looked up trashy covers […]
  23. christinerubel

    Daily Create : Basic element drawing

    We can draw everything with these 5 basic elements. Shall we try it? Find a complex subject for your composition and draw it! The five basic elements are: circles, squares, triangles, lines, and dots! I decided to draw a flower in a flower pot for my picture. It actually wasn’t hard, but instead fun!
  24. christinerubel

    Listening to Stories

    Episode 504: How I got Into College Overall, how effective do you think audio was for telling the story? Some types of audio techniques that the producers used to convey their story were sound effects, layering of sounds where the music would be in the background of people talking, occasional music, etc.  The host interviewed numerous people […]
  25. christinerubel

    Daily Create

    Hand and paper drawing! I’m eating dinner right now and I was trying to think of how I could incorporate my finger into a drawing no body has done yet. Then it hit me, food… food that looks like a finger… finger food… hot dogs! So I drew a hot dog as my daily create! […]

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