1. jlawrence

    Weekly Summary 1

    Had a rough week getting started but “they” say it’s always the hardest getting started. I really enjoyed the assignments this week and I cannot wait to get going with the rest of the summer session. I enjoyed the photo […]
  2. jlawrence

    Two Animals – 3 Stars

    The following photo is of two of my character’s favorite animals. Sly like a fox and as vicious as a golden eagle. I created this image by using an online photo editing software piZap. I hope you all like it. […]
  3. jlawrence

    Selfie While Recycling

    As a culture, speaking very generally, we take selfies of everything we do. Even before it was a “thing” we were taking “selfies” in our lives even if it wasn’t with a camera. A culture of appearance has crept into […]
  4. jlawrence


    I can be a cynic and downer when I have my thoughts to myself but I project a very positive attitude otherwise. This assignment we had to post what the future might hold for someone else. Because I am by […]
  5. snakesrcool

    Photo Safari

    This is the Photo Safari I took, I choose my apartment, easy to access and I knew were things were which helped me create interesting photos. It was an intriguing experience running around my apartment, taking photos, running back to my computer to find out which photo was next. The photos about something worked the … Continue reading Photo Safari
  6. jlawrence

    Photo Safari Blitz

    The following images are from my photo safari. I actually really enjoyed this task. I had to think quickly due to the time limit and I feel like it helped my creativity flow. For instance, the task to shoot two […]
  7. tsfairbank

    Week One Summary

    This week went rough. While everything was fun, creative, and new I had the hardest time trying to set up my blog and the website was confusing. I’m still trying to iron out some kinks. I enjoyed editing photos for the visual assignments and the TDC is a great way to keep us on our […]
  8. tsfairbank

    The Real Apocalypse

    Color Changer (2 stars) The Story This photo illustrates the takeover of the United States and the world, by a new alien species in the year 2078. The alien species announced their arrival by changing the sky from the reassuring blue we once called normal to a bright crimson red. It all began on a […]
  9. tsfairbank


    Here Kitty, Kitty (3 stars) The Story  For this assignment, I wanted to think of the two strongest animals in the wild. So automatically, I chose the gorilla and the lion. Here is an image of what I think the two would look like if they were genetically capable of reproducing offspring. This new hybrid […]
  10. tsfairbank

    Puff, Puff, Pass this Law

    Legalisation (3 stars) The Story Legalizing marijuana in the remaining of the United States should occur because it’s already legal in Colorado and Washington, it’s decriminalized in numerous states (including DC), and well… why not? This is something that could be used medically to treat various symptoms without risking addiction like other legal medications such as pain […]
  11. tsfairbank

    It All Comes Down To This…

    My Very Own Spubble (2 stars) The Story Every year my family ventures into Glyndon, MD for the Fourth of July. Dozens of family members join together to partake in a multitude of activities, amongst  the most competitive are my father and I. Each year there is a homemade mini golf course, a Wiffle ball game, and […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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