1. usman2448

    What is the U stand for

    “Take some of your old magazines and newspapers and create a 2D or 3D collage/sculpture of words and pictures that represent a common theme (ex: color, media subject such as animals or food, things you like, etc.). Explain why you chose your theme and what some of the individual pieces mean to...
  2. kenny1352

    Weekly Summary of Week 1

    This was the first week of my experience with ds106.  It was interesting to say the least, like I never thought I would actually create a twitter account, it’s just not my cup of tea.  I did enjoy some of the assignments thought, mostly because it allowed me to think outside the box to come […]
  3. kenny1352

    “I wonder if it will be friends with me?”

    This assignment was to create a warning sign of whatever we wanted to.  I liked the idea of it because that meant I could be as ridiculous as I wanted to be.  So I decided to make a warning sign warning people to look out for falling whales and if you haven’t figured out the […]
  4. kenny1352

    So they do exist?!

    This was a fairly simple assignment, to create a new type of animal by combining two or more animals and/or plants together.  I decided to create an animal like a Pegasus, or in simple terms a horse with wings, but I thought that was not enough so I also added an eagle’s head to my […]
  5. kenny1352

    Attack of the cat!

    When I was going though the visual assignment bank, I was looking for something I could have fun with.  Then I came across this assignment, it was to take a picture of a cat and a Shakespearean quote and put them together.  I’m not a big cat person, but I thought I could make something […]
  6. kenny1352

    Picture with a twist

    This was my first assignment for ds106.  For this we were suppose to take a photo of ourselves and added a word bubble playing off of the picture.  However, I don’t have many photos that I’m actually in so that made things interesting.  I just ended up grabbing an ordinary picture and added a classic […]
  7. tsfairbank

    Photo Safari

    . I choose to do my living/dinning room. I choose this room because I felt like it had almost everything I needed to complete this photo safari assignment. The experience of this assignment made me think outside the box on what I should take a picture of. Some things on the list I couldn’t figure […]
  8. tsfairbank


    My previous and current photography is very limited to the use my iPhone camera and sometimes my family’s digital camera. I take very minimal amount of pictures usually of my family, friends, and places that I visit. Also, I take pictures of stuff I find funny or amusing. Like if a friend of mine does something embarrassing I […]
  9. usman2448

    Vignelli Reflection

    I enjoyed reading this article, and it contains a quality of information that can help any new designer to understand the true meaning of design. By reading this article, the most important thing i learned are the three objectives Semantic, Syntactic and Pragmatic. A designer should thought carefully about the...
  10. tsfairbank

    Flickr Introduction

    This picture was taken in the Fall of 2014 of our Men’s Lacrosse Team. The reason I picked this photo is because we went through a lot as a team that year. We lost a good teammate, friend, and Senior Griffin Burke who died in December of 2014. RIP GBaby.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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