1. aperegor

    Previous and/or Current Experience with Photography

    As far as previous or current experience with photography goes, I do not have professional experience but I do enjoy taking photos of just about everything. I tend to take a lot of photos because I simply enjoy taking photos and I think their fun and because it is important to capture moments and have […]
  2. aperegor

    Second Daily Create

    This is the daily create for June 23, 2015. This daily create was called “Where I Stand.” For this one you had take a photo on the topic of where I stand. I decided to take one today when I was on UMW’s campus by the water fountain in front of the Jepson Science Center.
  3. kenny13

    Daily Create 6/22/15

    This is my first daily create and for it we were suppose to great to the highest place we could and take a picture of the people being small.  So I decided that the highest I could get was not the roof of a building put at my own computer.  I went into google earth […]
  4. kenny1352

    Reflection on reading material

    I thought that some of the material was actually quite interesting, I particular enjoyed reading about the story behind the Migrant Mother photo.  I have seen the photo before but I never gave much thought into what actually lead up to the photo being taken so it was quite interesting and gave me a different […]
  5. usman2448

    Photo Safari

    Well, it was a very awkward expierence, I was running around the basement, and taking bunch of pictures. It became more awkward when my mom appeared from no where, and asked “what the hell i’m taking the photos for”. So, i made a joke, and told my mom that i...
  6. aperegor

    First Daily Create

    The daily create for June 22, 2015 was to go to the highest point you could find and take a photo of people being small. I chose to go up on the top floor of my house and take a picture out of a window of people at the bottom of my driveway.  
  7. usman2448

    Previous/current experience with photography

    I’m not a photographer, but i do take alot of photos on my smart phone. I take photos of random things such as, landscapes, cities, structures, sky, myself, people, and anything that interest me. I’m not gonna say that i’m very proffesional when i take picutures, but i definatley do...
  8. usman2448

    Test Tweet

    #ds106 hello everyone, I’m @usman2448 ,, its first day of class, and i’m bit nervous, but I know we all can do it..so, good luck everyone, — Usman Khalid (@usman2448) June 22, 2015
  9. kenny13

    Blog Customization

    For me customizing my blog was quite easy because I had already create back in the last fall semester.  So the only things that I really needed to do was to create a separate section in this case the “Hey, what’s that?” area, to create the categories, and to update my menu to reflect these […]
  10. crodenbo94


    Hi! I’m Courtney and I am very excited about this class.  I will be a senior this upcoming school year.  I am majoring in Business Administration with a focus in marketing.  I am from Northern Virginia — Loudoun County to be exact.  However, I was born in Denver, Colorado and love everything Colorado.  I love...

  11. jappolack

    DS106 Summer Week One…Ready, Set, Go

    Intro and Visual/Design Please note that most of the assignments/tasks listed below are due no later than Sunday night at midnight, though I can’t tell you enough that if you wait until Sunday to do them you will be screwed. Also, the Daily Create assignments need to be completed and published on the day they come […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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