1. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/6/15

    Well this daily create assignment was late, it came on July 6th when #PenATweet day was on July 1st.  Bravo daily create people, always on time I see.  Anyways this daily create was about righting a tweet about handwriting and tweet a picture of the tweet you handwritten.  Well without further delay here is mine. […]
  2. christinerubel

    Week 2 Summary

    I worked very hard on this weeks assignments and I believe I did well on them. The GIFs gave me a lot of trouble because I have never done a GIF before. There was a lot of downloading, editing, frustration, and so on; but I finally finished them. I enjoyed the Design Assignments the most […]
  3. christinerubel

    AnimatedGIF Assignment: Highlight Reel

    “Create an animated GIF of a sports moment to be played over and over again. It doesn’t matter what sport, but make sure its a cool moment in that sport, which would belong on a highlight reel.” This is one of the five moments that the USA Woman’s Soccer team scored in the World Cup […]
  4. christinerubel

    Design Assignments: Dog It Out

    “Take a picture of your Dog, or any animal that you have. Then upload the picture to a any desired editor. Edit the picture to make it something unique and interesting.” I chose a picture of my parent’s cat! Her name is Sasha and she’s a little brat. I drew her holding a lollipop hoping […]
  5. tsfairbank

    Week Two Summary

    Week two was not as bad as the first week. I believe I completed all the assignments very well. Some of them took more time then others. The DesignBlitz took me the whole week and gave me the most trouble because I wanted to let the whole week past before I decided on my four […]
  6. tsfairbank

    My Room

    Week 2 Daily Create #4 (7/05) The pleasure of odds and ends: The Daily Create 1274 (7/05) Twitter Tweet My Room Some stuff you find in is my pleasure of odds and ends.  
  7. christinerubel

    Design Assignments: Tattoos 4Life

    “Create a tattoo that can represent your personality type. Tell us about your tattooo, and what does it means to you. Each Color is unique, and can depict different mood. Use different effects and colors to represent the mood of your tattoo.” This tattoo is my favorite one that I’ve come up with. My tattoo […]
  8. christinerubel

    Design Assignment: This Assignment is Suspect!

    THE CASE OF THE MISSING BANANA! Suspect Board:  It all when down during lunch. Kevin just sat down to eat with Bob when they forgot to get drinks. Kevin and Bob turned around to grab their juice boxes out of their lunch boxes but when they turned back around, THE BANANA WAS GONE! In a panic they […]
  9. snakesrcool

    Ink Drawing

    I decided to draw a tv and Xbox as well as a keyboard and mouse. I enjoy playing video games and thought that would e a good thing to draw for showing what i like.
  10. snakesrcool

    Stereo GIF

    This GIF gives the optical illusion of 3d, although it is not perfect it is what they used in the 1800’s. Which is quite impressive if we are still using 3d today. It was quite simple to make, there is a website that allows you to choose an image and adjust it to get the … Continue reading Stereo GIF
  11. christinerubel

    Daily Create

    “What odds and ends give you pleasure? Make an ink drawing.” Some “odds and ends” that I like are furniture and wood! My fiance and I love doing DIY (do it yourself) projects and we are always looking for new things to create. The photo below is an ink (pen) drawing of a couch, chair, […]
  12. christinerubel


    Go USA!!! Working on #ds106 while watching the #WWCFinal! USA kicking butt with 4-0 in the first 24 minutes! — Christine Rubel (@ChristineRubel) July 5, 2015
  13. christinerubel

    The Vignelli Canon

    “As he says, “Creativity needs the support of knowledge to be able to perform at its best.”Vignelli did most of his work in the pre-Internet era, when graphic design meant ink on paper, so some of the information is not so relevant to our online environment, but the principles still stand” (http://ds106.jenpolack.com/week-2its-all-by-design/). Massimo Vignelli definitely […]
  14. christinerubel

    DesignBlitz Reflection

    The CPSC106 class did a project called DesignBlitz. We had to take photos of four concepts and post them on our blog. My four concepts were typography, balance, proportion, and dominance. The following are my pictures and descriptions of their concepts. (My initial post link: http://www.christinerubel.com/uncategorized/designblitz/ )  This picture represents typography. If you notice the letters, they are […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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