1. @julianna_proc

    Wicked One-Man Play

    We had to select 8 or more stars of additional audio assignments this week and my first additional one is One-Man Play which is worth 3 1/2 stars. For this assignment you had to use Soundcloud and act out a scene from a play by yourself. I had a really hard time thinking of a play, but then […]
  2. @julianna_proc


    This week we had to pick and an audio assignment from the assignment bank. We were given four different options and I picked What a Song Might Mean to You. For this assignment you had to find a certain song that reminds you of a situation and then explain why you like the song as well […]
  3. @julianna_proc

    In Event of Moon Disaster

    This week we had to listen a podcast called Moon Graffiti. This was an episode that showed what would have happened if Armstrong and Aldrin had crashed on the moon when attempting to have the first moon landing. I loved this so much! It was a really creative way of showing something that in all reality […]
  4. @mezzmello

    The Story of Sound

    My most prominent memory and initial learning of the power of audio storytelling was when my teacher in grade school introduced us to Orson Wells who produced a War of the Worlds broadcast. It has been noted that the 1938 broadcast of HG Wells work on CBS sent many listeners into a panic due to […]
  5. @lmccuist0

    Piano Story

    In accordance with this assignment, here is a day in the life of Danny Keys through audio. His job is to play piano in a saloon, so the majority of the sound here is music. Here we go through his work day, warming up on the piano, playing through the day, and slowing down as … Continue reading Piano Story
  6. @mezzmello


    I chose to complete the Reverse Audio Quiz assignment worth 3.5 stars. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/reverse-audio-quiz-2/ I thought it’d be interesting to reverse a song and hear what the track sounded like. I used the Audacity program. With a little clicking around, I figured out how to reverse the mp3 file. The result is below: Figuring out the song […]
  7. @chrissy_gaul

    Story Through Sound

    Audio in Storytelling Sight without Sound:When watching a movie, seeing a play, or even experiencing every day life, sometimes it is hard to realize how much sound impacts your emotions. Even if you can only hear the music/audio, it can still evoke feeling in you the way visual would. Maybe even more! A great example […]
  8. @julianna_proc

    Pony Express Delivery

    For today’s daily create we had to create a postmark for something delivered on the Pony Express. What I did was find a cute picture of a pony (yes, he/she has a sweater on) and uploaded it to an editing app on the iPhone to add the stamp theme border. After this, I then uploaded the picture […]
  9. @jsteele_ds106

    Hey Y’all 2016-02-09 22:46:37

    Another blog post related to my dog, wouldn’t this be the coolest invention tho?! My invention is a dogaphone that allows dogs to be able to speak human! It goes for about $150 #tdc1493 #dailycreate pic.twitter.com/cf7Cb1u41v — Jenna Steele (@jsteele_ds106) February 10, 2016  
  10. @tifamonster

    Intensifying the Image

    When watching movies, we don’t tend to think of sound as a method to tell a story, yet it contributes deeply to the whole story. We tend to think of the actor’s skilled voice and how it has an impact on the story. We criticize the actor and director, when we should be looking at […]
  11. @chrissy_gaul

    You Don’t Have to Change a Single Thing

    “You Don’t Have to Try so Hard” Assignment: What a Song Might Mean to You 4 stars Assignment Description: “Lots of people have a particular song that reminds them of certain situations, I know I do! Embed the video of your particular song and a short recording of why you really like the song, or what makes […]
  12. @julianna_proc

    Invent something!

    Today’s daily create instructed you to create an invention, explain what it does and give it a price. I had to think about this for about 30 mins before I came up with an idea. Last week I had to do my long run at night and I accidentally stepped wrong in a pot hole (no worries, […]
  13. @chrissy_gaul

    Clang Cackle Crack

    Sound Only Assignment: Sound Effects Story Assignment Description: “Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds.” Not Playing Nice: My background with editing audio is exactly zero. However, I […]
  14. @NatalieCPSC106

    ds106 Radio “Tweet-along”! Monday, Feb. 8th

    This evening I completed my first live “tweet-along” with the ds106 radio! It was actually really entertaining! I tuned in to the ds106 radio station unsure about what I was going to be listening to and what I was supposed to tweet. But, once the show/story started and others began tweeting their thoughts, it became … Continue reading ds106 Radio “Tweet-along”! Monday, Feb. 8th

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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