1. timmmmyboy

    Failing Coursera

    coursera_logo_RGBEvery time one of these new “MOOCish” sites pops up I do my best to play around with the tool before being too hypercritical. Last year when AI Class was all the rage I signed up and managed to make it an entire week I think. The problem there of course was that learning about - Read More -
  2. timmmmyboy

    Failing Coursera

    Every time one of these new "MOOCish" sites pops up I do my best to play around with the tool before being too hypercritical. Last year when AI Class was all the rage I signed up and managed to make it an entire week I think. The problem there of cours...
  3. timmmmyboy

    Where did the O in MOOC go?

    Another day, another MOOC fires up its engines and fills my Twitterstream. And Moocmooc is about as meta as it gets: a one week MOOC that will analyze the form itself. And interestingly they're using Instructure Canvas as the delivery platform, which i...
  4. timmmmyboy

    Where did the O in MOOC go?

    Another day, another MOOC fires up its engines and fills my Twitterstream. And Moocmooc is about as meta as it gets: a one week MOOC that will analyze the form itself. And interestingly they’re using Instructure Canvas as the delivery platform, which is the LMS that UMW adopted a year ago. It’s interesting to me - Read More -
  5. Mikhail Gershovich

    You’ve Come a Long Way, Jerry

    After the few very indirect references to Virginia Slims cigarettes in the season finale of Mad Men, I was inspired to search for the now famous 1969 “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby” TV commercial. After finding a number of Virginia Slims ads created for the Australian market in the late 60s on Archive.org, I ...
  6. John Johnston

    By: Chanda

    John, your set a great example for this assignment. Your story, your insight, and your voice married with the song is nearly hypnotic. And, no, I don't think it's too long. But then, I have a weakness for a Scottish accent! :) Nicely done!
  7. Mikhail Gershovich

    Jumping the Shark

    After some discussion about whether a certain conference has “jumped the shark,” I was inspired to create an animated GIF of Fonzie’s legendary water skiing jump over an ostensibly man-eating shark in a 1977 episode of Happy Days, which, to some observers, signaled the beginning of the venerable sit-com’s steady decline and which inspired the ...
  8. John Johnston

    By: John

    Hi Martha, Thanks. I guess I was not clear. I like the idea of falling short of 'the glory'. In the. Song there is I believe an implicate forgiveness. I also like the idea of failing, failing early and often. I am with you on the learning. I've been finding my fellow participants more use than many design web pages: shorter and easier to digest. .htacess updated and links are prettier.
  9. John Johnston

    By: Martha

    Oh! And when you get a chance, can you change your permalink settings on your blog (Settings -> Permalinks) from the default to "pretty" permalinks? For some reason, Wordpress isn't generating the feed for comments on posts correctly when default permalinks are being used. As a result, on the ds106 site, our comment counts are off for your posts.
  10. John Johnston

    By: Martha

    There is no falling short in DS106 -- just getting back up and trying again. As for design sense, I strongly believe that it can be learned to a large degree. We may not all be able to become professional designers, but we can learn how to tune our sense of design so that we're better at imagining the possibilities. I also strongly believe that a lot of what frustrates people is when their (current) expertise falls short of their vision. That's not a lack of design sense, just a need to continue to hone skills. Which you've certainly got a strong start on! I know how frustrating it is when you've got this amazing vision in your head of how the product is going to turn out, but then you get into Photoshop and simply can't execute it fully.
  11. dkernohan

    Two DS106 design assignments

    Figured it was time I got some DS106 work up here, convincing myself and others that I’m not just at Camp Magic MacGuffin to play about building a British Embassy in Minecraft. Although fundamentally that is a large part of it… First up: Lyric Typographic Poster (design assignment 529). I knew it had to be […]
  12. John Johnston

    By: John

    Thanks Chad, not sure the 'wee kids license' is official;-) Its been 3-4 years since I've had a class now. I think they, like me, explain CC with difficulty;-)
  13. John Johnston

    By: Chad Sansing

    John, thanks for this reflection and sharing out the wee kids license and search toy - I could definitely use them with my middle school students. How do your kids explain CC? Best, C
  14. John Johnston

    By: John

    @leezebub, jury out here on texture, would like it more if I was printing I think. @martha, just dragged the flash stuff up from the depths of the past, used to do it with 10 year olds in my class;-) @allyson that is what I've been getting from ds106. The tutorials, like the one linked here, provided by ds106ers seem to be a lot easier to get up and running with than many on the web. DS106 also provided a reason for getting to the end of a tut.
  15. John Johnston

    By: Allyson Miller

    This is why I wanted to participate in DS106--to not only see what other people were doing but to also see how. So cool. :) I gave it a shot too after reading your post. www.flickr.com/photos/62559981@N04/7164574031/

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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