1. @shealanclark


    Good thing I had this already setup from last semester, but I am definitely going to put together my own website especially since I signed up for the Adobe subscription. I am also loving that this is 80’s themed! I am excited about this semester...
  2. @shealanclark

    The real lab 9

    Objective To create a web server with XAMPP and an FTP server. Equipment XAMPP, Brackets Notes and Observations We downloaded XAMPP and set up the web server. We each then created our own basic website and visited each others websites. All of this was fairly simple since I have recent experience with all of this. … Continue reading The real lab 9
  3. @shealanclark

    Lab 7

    Objective To create 2 networks using the lab computers and connect them with a router. Equipment lab computers, router, ethernet Notes and Observations We had to learn how to disconnect from the school network, create a new IP address and see if our computers could talk to the computers on the other network connected to … Continue reading Lab 7

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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