1. mfieldswriter

    Smelly Lady, Take Two

    O.K., I indulged in one more fantasy of Smelly Lady (sparked by Tara Sparling’s post). This will be the last one…I think. *** Smoothing down her silver hair, Mrs. Vanderhorse shuffled down the isle, steadying herself on the rail overhead as the bus jolted into gear and leapt back into traffic. She smiled at a […]
  2. kathyann

    Lazy Day

    I'm on vacation this week. Staying home, going for walks, trying to get motivated to clean the garage. The cats are sleeping on the couch, reinforcing my laziness. To Yachats on Friday during a 70 percent chance of rain. May not be blue skies, but it is still the coast. ocean, sandy beaches, salt air. Staying at the Lodgettes for the first time. Looks nice, hope it is.I need to get started on

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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