1. rlaluman

    The Big Lebowski

    This week I watched The Big Lebowski. This isn’t a movie I would have automatically watched on my own, but I really enjoyed it. The storyline and characters were all really entertaining. I found myself laughing through most of it. The Big Lebowski is about a man names Lebowski who goes by the name “The…
  2. philipdorch

    The vignelli canon

    The Vignelli canon was a very interesting read. I can’t say that I have ever read anything specifically about design before this. The book really illustrated how design of one sort or another is absolutely everywhere in our world. Design is used in everything from art and architecture to city planning. I really enjoyed one … Continue reading The vignelli canon
  3. jlawumw

    TDC 1133

    The Rider game was tough but fair. I didn’t know what I was doing and got my ass kicked. The design of the game was very traditional. Let me know […]
  4. stephaniebwhite

    Downtown Design

    For my DesignBlitz, I decided to take a trip to Downtown Fredericksburg because I knew that I would find TONS of elements of design down there. Even though it is absolutely freezing (I hate the cold), it was worth it! I really enjoyed going downtown and looking around. Now I can’t wait for warmer weather! […]
  5. cmattes2

    Wrapping Up Week 5

    My reflection on Vignelli Canon http://cmattes2.com/thoughts-and-ideas/vignelli-canon-review/ The Big Lewboski review http://cmattes2.com/thoughts-and-ideas/lebowski-review/ Design blitz http://cmattes2.com/uncategorized/design-blitz/ 3 daily creates h...
  6. adeacons

    Design Blitz

    Color; this department store manipulated our society’s take on color to organize their store. You can clearly tell where the girls section is by the overwhelming pink and white. And in the boys section, you’ll find tons of blues and browns, plus a lovely picture of a rugged mountainside. While we seem to detest stereotypes, … Continue reading Design Blitz
  7. bburns

    I do it on the daily

    This week I did three daily creates. On Thursday I made a family tree using familyecho.com. I decided to do this digitally since I don’t have much faith in my artistic abilities. In my tree I included my immediate family: my parents and three brothers. On Saturday I got to play an internet arcade game… Read More
  8. stephaniebwhite

    Shirley is Surely Savvy!

    For one of my week five assignments, I chose to do the assignment, Apps Galore that was submitted by Nicky Memita. The assignment is to, “Think of a character–fictional or even historical. What kinds of apps would this character have on their smartphone? Use a design program to create a “fake” smartphone screen for this […]
  9. rlaluman

    Canon of Reflections

    The Vignelli Canon was a very good read. There were a lot of good quotes that stuck out to me. I also liked how Vignelli discussed the origins of different design techniques. In the introduction to The Vignelli Canon I liked how he discussed the various elements of typography and design that he learned from different countries. It…
  10. rlaluman

    The Blitz

    For the DesignBlitz assignment this week I chose to use the design elements color, typography, proportion and balance, and metaphor/symbols. I went around town and campus to complete the photo challenge. Below are the photos I took representing each of the four design elements and a description of each. Color Drunken City opened this week…
  11. hungrymax

    Daily Create 2/15/15: Food Jewelry


    today’s daily create was to create some jewelry using real food. I made this one out of unraveled paracord and a raw egg. Spring is just around the corner, and the egg symbolizes spring, birth, and life. The egg rests in a  loose and frazzled hammock  symbolizing the fragility of of life. Read more →

  12. adeacons

    Blade Runner.

    The thing I noticed while watching Blade Runner, is most of the scenes capture a singular person. The space is causing different lighting, and causing your eye to focus on the character in the frame. The helicopter scenes would have the camera facing down, onto the towering buildings and the streets below, giving you the … Continue reading Blade Runner.
  13. rlaluman

    Daily Creates: Week 5

    February 10: Creative Hands For this daily create I was inspired by the mess I leave behind when I’m painting, specifically the residual paint that inevitably ends up on my hands. I used a picture from back in the summer when I painted my galaxy painting and reworked it for this daily create. I cropped…
  14. adeacons


      So I chose the creative hand assignment for my Daily Create. I took this picture with my friends forever ago, after most of us painted our nails. I really like the design it made, so I thought it’d be perfect for this TDC.
  15. adeacons

    Edith 2015-02-15 15:20:18

      The daily create I chose was superpowers. I chose the superpower of the brain because in reality, nobody would expect me to have it. I don’t particularly want a super brain either, but I could easily disguise it and use the element of surprise. Plus I love irony
  16. cmattes2

    Design Blitz

    This picture is an example of the balance design principle. I see this principle as a design that is neat looking. Something that is either symmetric or asymmetric. My example, which is the carpet outside my door to my apartment complex, is an example of symmetric. I liked this design because when I first moved … Continue reading Design Blitz
  17. stephaniebwhite

    My Laptop Game is Strong

    For one of my week five assignments, I chose to do the assignment, Laptop Lingo that was submitted by Lauren Brumfield. The assignment is to,” Make your own collage or create your unique laptop skin on My Custom Skin, and then share your work flickr. When you blog about it, explain why you chose each image! Use […]
  18. tyowell

    I’m Still Alive After Week 5!

    Design Assignments As with any week, I like to get what I think will take the most of my time out of the way first so this week, I decided to get the 12 stars of design assignments done quickly!  I started out with the assignment over 4 stars which was The Ultimate Merger (4.5 stars). … Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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