1. gyeorelee

    Last Weekly Summary

    It will be last weekly summary for Noir106. It was really wonderful to have this class. Even though there were lots of assignments to do but they were really fun to do and workable assignments. For last two weeks, I had worked on new case, which was Finding Noircat. I uploaded four status for this […]
  2. gyeorelee

    Tutorial: Audacity

    1. After you downloaded Audacity, open up this application and you will see this empty space. 2. To record your voice or any sound you want click the red circle at the top. 3. When you click it, it will automatically start recording. 4. If you record several time you will get several tracks. If […]
  3. gyeorelee


    When I got close to his house, I heard noircat sound! So I rang a bell and a stranger came out. And behind him, I saw noircat who I was looking for! GREEN EYES! So I asked stranger that where did he get a noircat and he said that when he was shopping in downtown, […]
  4. gyeorelee

    About Noircat.

    Noircat… After I found some evidence of where did he go, I tried to figure out why did he follow a stranger man and where are they now. As I was struggling with these questions, I got an e-mail about Maggie’s Noircat. It explains his characteristics briefly. hopefully it helps to find him. After I […]
  5. kkroehl

    It’s Been a Wild Ride!

    Wow, it has been a wild ride in ds106 this semester! Most recently, Pluto and Bailey went missing, and after putting posters up, we were about to lose hope that we would ever see the cats again. That would have been a hard blow to Sarah and Shelley because their...
  6. gyeorelee

    Tutorial: Photoshop

    For tutorial, I want to talk about the Adobe Photoshop that I always used to complete the assignment. 1. Put two picture together as layer.   2. To erase the white background, choose magic eraser tool. 3. After you click the magic eraser tool, click the white surface to erase it. You can choose the […]
  7. gyeorelee

    First Assignment Idea

    For the assignment idea, I came up with creating a hybrid animal. It does not have to be only animals, it can be combination of animals or plants, or both.   After finish it, upload it to Flicker.  
  8. gyeorelee

    Daily Create Idea 2

    Every car in our world has its own design. Based on this fact my second daily create idea that I came up with is making a face expression with using car photo. You can draw or combine face emoticons on car photo. The car photo can be taken or from the internet.   After you […]
  9. gyeorelee

    Daily Create Idea 1

    First idea that I came up with was from the snapchat application. So, it can be screenshot from your snapchat or you can photoshop to add text on your photo.   After you captured or photoshopped picture, upload it to flicker.
  10. gyeorelee

    Where are you going Noircat?

    I tried to find the CCTVs around the UMW. I found that there is downtown around the school, so I went there and looked at all the CCTVs and I found a very important scene so I captured it.   Can you see that Noircat is walking with the dog that I saw on the video […]
  11. gyeorelee

    New Case: Where is Noircat?

    After I came back from Los Angeles, I got a case about Noircat. Where did he go? What happened to him? Got lots to figure out. The first evidence that I got was a video that Groom is asking his dog to tell hime about what his dog did to Noircat. But there wasn’t enough […]
  12. kkroehl

    Tutorial: 6 Differences

    One of my favorite activities in the Washington Post Magazine is the “Second Glance” page. I can stare at the two pictures for hours trying to find the differences! Now, everyone in ds106 has the opportunity to create their own “find the differences” picture. Just find a picture with enough...
  13. pboyle


    I created 2 assignments for the assignment bank. One was creating a photo of the person that your would like to date which all you have to do is cut out pictures of magazines and put them together to look like your perfect person you would like to date. The other one was a video … Continue reading Assignments
  14. afanghel

    Make Your Song YOUR Song.

    So is there anybody else out there who, when they hear a certain song, can just relate to it on any and every emotional level? Because that happens to me pretty much all the time… Really, guys; I almost have 41 hours worth of songs on my “Starred” Spotify playlist as absolute proof that I FEEL TOO ... Read more

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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