1. ahowlan2

    Lady Eagles

    My third daily create of the week was to make in image suitable for an action film poster by turning it orange and teal. The picture I chose was an action photo of myself shooting a reverse layup. In order to make this picture, I duplicated the original file and opened both in the photo-editor … Continue reading Lady Eagles
  2. cloehr

    DS106 Spaceship

    Today’s Daily Create was to create a DS106 spaceship. I am terrible at drawing so please disregard the poor craftmanship displayed here. My creation is a simple drawing, but it depicts Groom, Burtis, and Bond controlling the spaceship that’s taking over UMW. Do I need to explain more than #DS106ForLife ?
  3. mboleis

    ALWAYS Listen to Grandma.

    Today’s Daily Create was to Select 5 emojis and use them as a prompt for a unique story. So here are the emoji’s I was given by the internet And here is my short story- Grandma had to choose the best prince for me, the beautiful princess. I wanted a dozen roses and romance but she […]
  4. mrosengrant

    Dear Mr. Weasel

    For today’s daily create I wrote a little poem for a certain Mr. Weasel.. (here’s looking at you, kid) *ahem* Dear Mr. Weasel With your hair as white as snow Your little thought bubble All aglow. For when you create...
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  5. jlaszako

    Five things that bring me joy!

    I really loved today’s daily create assignment. I spent more time on it than I usually would just because I liked the assignment. The five things that bring me joy are high jump (my main event in track), hurdles (my “secondary” event in track), my water-loving cat Monty, my ridiculous dog, Luigi, and my other […]
  6. ahowlan2


    This is a video of 5 things that bring me joy. I made this video for one of my daily creates this week First there are two clips of my cat who always makes me happy whenever I’m home. Next is a baby who I used to babysit, her name is Natalie and she is … Continue reading Joy
  7. skinzer

    Week Six: Radio Tricks

    This week, we started on our Radio Show work and completed some audio projects. 1. Radio Show I made a summary of our progress so far on Silk Road as well as a promotional gif. 2. Audio Assignments I completed 12 stars worth of audio assignments: Some spooky sounds One of my first songs A […]
  8. skinzer

    They Brainwashed Her

    For this assignment (worth 4 stars), I had to make some spooky sounds using my own recordings and editing. To create this, I used Garageband to edit a clip that I had been saving of an ominous voicemail that my grandmother left on our house phone. The song is similar to my “Hello David, This […]
  9. skinzer

    Remembering Remembering Sunday

    For this assignment (worth 1.5 stars), I had to revisit one of the first songs I learned on guitar. For this, I chose “Remembering Sunday” by All Time Low, my first full song on guitar. I love this song because of the major seventh chords. This was from memory, which in some ways made it […]
  10. skinzer

    Rockin’ Rockin’ Pet Store

    This assignment, worth 3 stars, required me to record a solo vocal trio. I did this with “Rockin’ Rockin’ Pet Store” by The Mountain Goats. Garageband, as usual, served as my recording software. I used guitar to keep my vocals on track. After recording all the parts, I realized that my voice is awful. Because […]
  11. skinzer

    The Only One Night Stand We’re Having Is From Ikea

    For this assignment (worth 3.5 stars), I had to create a mashup of songs that told a story. This song, entitled “The Only One Night Stand We’re Having Is From Ikea” (in typical Fall Out Boy fashion), tells the story of Ami‘s most common daydream: falling in love and settling down with one of her […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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