1. gyeorelee

    Familiar Sound

    This assignment was to create a song using recorded familiar sounds. This was 2 points project, so it was easy and fun to do it. Also, I related this to my noir character, John Brown, it’s his morning life sounds. I used Audacity to complete this assignments. First, I recorded the sound of the slippers […]
  2. gyeorelee

    DS106 Radio Reflection

    I listened to ds106 radio on Monday, it was about ‘Stranger on a Train’ by Alfred Hitchcock. The story began with Haines meeting a stranger, Bruno on a train and planning perfect murders, Bruno is going to kill Haines’s wife, Miriam and Haines will kill Bruno’s father. It would be perfect murder because they have […]
  3. mboleis


    This week, we are working on forming our radio shows. We had to create a poster/logo/etc for it. Creating a poster for our radio show proved to be a lot of fun. The title is Noir Not the Father. Our radio show is a Maury style show, where Stella Vaughn is basically trying to cause drama […]
  4. gyeorelee

    Your Theme Song

    I related this assignment to my noir character, John Brown. This was worth 4 points, so it was kind of difficult to complete it. I done this assignment with Logic Pro X, and tried to show his loneliness. I put rain sound so it can give sadness and loneliness and closing door sound so he is […]
  5. gyeorelee

    Spooky Sounds

    This assignment (4 points) was to create a song that is combination of spooky sounds. Instead of using Audacity, I used Logic Pro X to complete this assignment. Here’s what I made. It was really difficult assignment and I had no idea how to start. So, I just sat in front of computer and try […]
  6. levitasdementia


    So for now our team name is The Alpacas because we needed a group name. College is hard because we all have different schedules and are unable to meet up until tomorrow. I wanted to make a poster that would be noir and funny at the same time, because we want to create a humorous/satirical Read More →
  7. levitasdementia


    Sir Guy. What a punchable face. So last night we got a double feature of The Red Wind and Jack The Ripper (oo spooky) Again, the plots were super silly with these. Lots of fun vintage lines, like $700 being enough to buy a new car “even in these times” and plenty of military propaganda. I really noticed the background Read More →
  8. lfalkens

    Veda is the Worst

    So I actually listened to the radio show, Mildred Pierce, that was played on Tuesday evening. It was good, I enjoyed the plot and it wasn’t too difficult to follow…
  9. cloehr

    DS106 Radio Promo Poster

    This is a promotional poster I created for my groups radio show. I did this in photoshop and it was fairly simple. However, since we don’t know exactly what we’re doing our show on yet, it was difficult to generalize the poster.
  10. jlaszako

    Got Clues? A Radio Update

    This week started out with complete panic for me. I don’t really know anybody in this class in real life and the only people I’ve had much interaction are the people that participated in the tweet-alongs. So needless to say, I was pretty nervous to find a group. I definitely didn’t want to be added […]
  11. mrosengrant

    Only Pearls…

    At 9 pm, I tuned in for a radio show on the DS106 radio station to take a listen in on Phillip Marlow’s adventures and the mystery surrounding a pearl necklace…. Through this I live tweeted what I thought- while...
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  12. bchristi1361

    Music Mashup

    Using Audacity (or any other sound editing program) create an audio mashup with 2 very distinct songs. According to wikepedia these mashaps may fall under “fairuse”. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/music-mashup/ 3 1/2 Stars! For this assignment I looked towards Country music as there has been many stories about how similar so many songs are. For my first song I … Continue reading Music Mashup
  13. mboleis

    Mia’s iPod Circa 2008

    Audio week is back again, and the assignment bank is back in action. This week we are required to do 10 stars, with at least 5 dedicated to our character. While this assignment is not dedicated to Blair, it was still fun and worth 3 stars. The assignment was entitled So and So’s Greatest Hits. […]
  14. jlaszako

    Get A Clue: Design Project

      This week for the design project I tried to go fairly minimalist. I really like the minimalist designs in general because I feel like they’re cleaner and just as powerful if not more so. I took the title of our show “Get a Clue” and started racking my brain for how I could possibly […]
  15. levitasdementia

    Bumper to Bumper

    I made a new bumper for 2.5 stars because I wanted to improve upon my first one. I tried to give it the same sort of glitchy feeling, but I also used radio static to feel more natural. This way, it’s useable for old-timey or modern shows. I felt that my first attempt layered the Read More →
  16. sgrubbs2

    The Spooky Hotel

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/spooky-sounds/ (Four Stars) Scott Brinkmann’s hotel can be very scary at night! Here are some sounds you might hear while walking around the hotel. You could hear anything from footsteps, screams, and the howling wind to even ghosts! I thought this assignment would be good for my character’s hotel because hotels are notorious for being … Continue reading The Spooky Hotel
  17. jlaszako

    DNA: A poetry reading

    For my first audio assignment of the week I chose to the poetry reading assignment. It was pretty simple, not shocking given it’s only worth 1.5 stars. When I saw the assignment, I felt it would be relatively easy to find a poem that expresses who Isabelle Franklin is. She’s a scientist; she’s curious. Initially […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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