1. dalinafoo

    Comments 10

    http://alayton8.com/daily-creations/two-dailies/#comment-393 http://umwteaching4tomorrow.com/detective-longs/who-am-i/#comment-373 http://adventuresofm.org/daily-creates/bro-meo-oh-bro-meo-where-art-thou-bro-meo/#comment-352 http://heyitsleanna.com/ass...
  2. dalinafoo

    Comments Week 11

    Comments: http://ds106.emilybostaph.org/blog/assignment-bank/two-in-the-pink-one-in-the-stink/#comment-2036 http://www.phoenixtakesflight.com/post/daily-creates/#comment-7652 http://www.brianburnsofficial.com/daily-creates/every-damn-day/#comment-220 h...
  3. pboyle

    Aaron Rodgers

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vDX2VbAKYM So my favorite athlete is you guested it, Mr. Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers. I will be honest, I have been a Packer fan my whole life and I did not like him at first. In 2005, I thought he would ruin us, but he turned out to be the best thing … Continue reading Aaron Rodgers
  4. chelseairizarry

    Report on Week11

    This week achievements: Daily Creates Creating The Darkening Agency Website Blog Web Assignments Character Resume (3 stars) You’re  Pinteresting Character (2 stars) Visual Assignments Complete Family Photo (3 stars) Post-it Note and Grocery List (2 stars) Commenting TDC-Mariam’s Monologue Only a fool would skip work in April- Noir. Enough Said. You’re a Pinteresting Character- Miriam’s … Continue reading Report on Week11
  5. cloehr

    Week 11

    Another week down. Here’s the wrap-up: Make our agency present on the web: Headline Crime is officially in business. http://headlinecrime.christineloehr.org/Agency/ Creating the subdomain was not as difficult as I thought it was going to be. However, Scott and I are still working out the kinks of our website and advancing it to where we want … Continue reading Week 11
  6. phoenix

    Daily Creates

    Created a daily create poem of two strangers. One male stranger tries to talk to another female stranger, but life got in the way. The poem is called “Waiting For The Bus”. Cold and Wet. Looking at his watch. Then stares at her. She looks back, smiles at him. He about to walk over to…

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  7. srechter

    Week 11 Summary

    First, and most importantly, was the launch of my agency’s new website. There remains work to be done in filling out all of the necessary content, but I’m liking the aesthetic approach thus far. Failure, Our Muse, FOM Talent Agency, looks like it has a bright future ahead of it. I turned to the mashup assignments … Continue reading Week 11 Summary
  8. chelseairizarry

    Agency Photo

    Complete Family Photo (3 stars) The following is The Darkening Agency Christmas Time Photo. Shadow is on the right and Caleb is on the left. There are no other agents making this in to a bro night reunion. Some editing on word was done to make Shadow m...
  9. skinzer

    Week 11 Summary

    NEW SITE Ami here. My new domain is up for Silk Road. Check it out. I’ve got a homepage, mission statement, blog, contact form, and portfolio of products. COMMENTS one  two three four five six seven eight nine ten    
  10. cloehr

    comments comments and more comments

    you know what this post is about… 1. http://www.dalinabeckham.com/ds106/character-resume/#comment-17253 2. http://i-am-think-will.com/ds-106-assignments/noddy-in-paris-and-maggie-blacks-b-day/#comment-219 3. http://slhendo.com/weekly-summaries/if-only-we-wish-hard-enough/#comment-1365 4. http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/assignments/web/my-dream-vacation-3-stars/#comment-272 5. http://lifebysavanna.com/andrea-may-carr-character/welcome-to-the-agency/#comment-315 6. http://www.cheyannemckinney.com/blog/daily/daily-create-7/#comment-351 7. http://www.philipdorch.com/daily-create/daily-creates-5/#comment-137 8. http://seeinggainz.com/assignments/what-a-pinteresting-thought/#comment-205 9. http://sgrubbs2.com/daily-create/umbrella-in-the-sun/#comment-1138 10. http://www.thejota.com/ds106/creating-daily-creates-daily-week-11/#comment-17729
  11. chelseairizarry

    Shadow’s Profile

    Character’s Resume (3 stars) The following is Shadow’s resume. He doesn’t have much official work with an employer, but has plenty as an entrepreneur. His independent work shows that he needs little to no supervising, making him a wonderful independent employee to have. SHADOW 321 Shadow Park Dark, Virginia 22406 shadow.aka.darkness@gmail.com Objective: To gain experience … Continue reading Shadow’s Profile
  12. chelseairizarry

    Darkening Agency’s Pinterest can be Quite Interesting

    You’re a Pinteresting Character (2 stars) Here is a link to Agents Shadow and Caleb board in the Darkening Agency. This board gives in insight to what the agents and the entire agency is about. There are pins about alcohol (specifically about whiskey), gun, women, spy equipments, burglaries, jewelry, poison, fast cars, and cops. This … Continue reading Darkening Agency’s Pinterest can be Quite Interesting
  13. srechter

    Movie Mashup

    This is the “this doesn’t belong here assignment” worth 2 points I love movies, and I love comparing movies. Naturally, then, I would love to mash movie images together, no? Well, it was quite a bit of fun, though my particular choice perhaps isn’t as subtle as the assignment calls for. I played around quite … Continue reading Movie Mashup
  14. phoenix

    My “Outstanding” Resume……

    Character Resume (3 Stars) If you ever was curious about my Resume that got me into the Freedom Fighters Agency…here you go. As you can see its a word document of the experiences I endured in Nevada. It seems the organization was not really interested in my school background. But they were intrigued by my…

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  15. tdaig


    For this assignment, I took a photo of myself using a gesture and then created a though cloud to it. The original phot was from a wedding when I found out that I had to do a speech. I changed my thought up a little bit but it works. The original assignment can be found … Continue reading Spuddle
  16. phoenix

    My Collage Of My Journey

    Storify It (2 Stars) Below is a collage of a my journey and what encouraged me to join the Freedom Fighters Agency [View the story “Joining the Freedom Fighters Agency (FFA)” on Storify]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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