1. shrutistic


        DO WE ALWAYS END UP WITH WHAT IS BEST FOR US? We have been brought up to believe, that whatever happens, happens for the best. And whatever we do, in the end things will figure themselves out, because God has a plan for all of us. Swedish House Mafia told us “Don’t you […]
  2. catscarnival


    Comments, comments, comments… and more to come throughout the week. There’s a lot of good creativity going on! http://ds106.forkinall.com/final-project/the-beginning-of-the-end/#comment-396 http://www.scottclower.org/ds106/edwards-story/#comment-1465 http://theaaronadventure.com/thoughts-and-ideas/final-project-idea/#comment-876 http://bloodyface.artismyescape.com/thoughts-and-ideas/final-project-week-1-progress/#comment-1005 http://deathbyds106.com/final-project/exclusive-expose/#comment-535 http://deathbyds106.com/thoughts-and-ideas/first-tutorial/#comment-534 http://jimjamsbizarreadventure.com/assignments/week-13-progress-report/#comment-424 http://flds106.felicialiu-accounting.com/uncategorized/progress-on-the-final-show-time/#comment-374  
  3. amalthea13

    Twitch Gender Study by Online Performers Group

     Screenshot of Data Presentation from http://opgroup.tv/blog/   Scholarly Critique #3.3 Gender Study on Twitch Online Performers Group July 2015   This scholarly critique is a bit different from my previous posts, as I reflect on the way Online Performers Group (OPG) has presented the preliminary findings from their Gender Study on Twitch in a blog post. The OPG is a "full-service management resource" for Twitch streamers, and provides a wide range of services including promotional
  4. emmasaxophone

    Week 13 and 14 Summary

    Summary: This week I learned a few new facts about remixes and mashups and how they work. I always have know that it was technically illegal for everyone to sing Happy Birthday but I did not know how or who would be paid if you were sued. through watching the videos that explained remixes I learned and experienced that making
  5. emmasaxophone

    Assignment #4

    The fourth assignment of the week I had to do is called Dream it and Write it and is worth four stars. This assignment required you to write about a dream you have had or make one up and then remix it. The remix card said to translate the dream into another language. I chose a dream that I had
  6. jamesb

    Weekly Summary 13&14

    These last two weeks have been…. DIFFERENT! I just recently got my brand new Macbook Air, I am officially a MAC person now! I love it very much but learning how to do everything on here was a bit frustrating I should say, editing photos are a bit fun though. There are a lot of […]
  7. amalthea13

    Life as a Researcher

      What an epic final semester of grad school I've had! Alongside submitting my portfolio for graduation from UC Denver, my action research course has led me to exploring something I'm very passionate about, creative engagement on Twitch. I would never have called myself a researcher before this course. In fact, I'm pretty sure I didn't like "research". But I have never felt so engaged and invested in the process and outcome of something I've completed for academic credit. I've really enjoyed the
  8. emmasaxophone

    Whta is a remix

    I listened to the article by Laurent LaSalle called A Remix Manifesto in this article he talks about what a remixes and mashups are and how they can be created. I did not know that you cant even use a single note from an original song without the composers permission. LaSalle talks about how the song Happy Birthday is illegal to
  9. jamesb


    This is my remix vs mashups reflection, which took me like a million tries! I kept stuttering over and over again. But I got it done and hope you enjoy it and get what I am trying to say. If you listen you will clearly understand the differences between the two. Well the person that […]
  10. calebsnow14

    Weeks 13/14 Summary

    Remix  Here’s my Remix Reflections that includes the audio of my thoughts on remixing Here’s my randomly generated Remix Assignment Remixes and MashUps this week were fun to work with and after this week I came to realize how much I had been doing these things already without really knowing it. I think Remixing is used a lot … Continue reading Weeks 13/14 Summary
  11. jbrooks5

    13/14 Weekly Summary

    Remix Assignment – Judge Judy Eyes Made Boring Other Remix Assignments Music Mash Up – 4 Stars Movie Poster From the Future Past – 4 Stars Daily Creates: @ds106dc #tdc1413 Technically several boxes, but the idea is the same https://t.co/TCZb60mjVk… Continue Reading
  12. calebsnow14

    Music MashUp

    Original Assignment I mixed together a few songs that I thought were very dissimilar and the result was pretty cool. I just uploaded all three songs into audacity and proceeded to clip and edit tracks until I had the first part down. The last part of the song is just the song “thunderstruck” because it … Continue reading Music MashUp
  13. amalthea13

    What are the challenges of creating live-stream content?

      Scholarly Critique #3.2    Analysis of the Characteristics and Content of Twitch Streaming Authored by: Daniel Farrington & Nicholas Muesch Worcester Polytechnic Institute March 2015   This resource for this scholarly critique was found during recent Google Scholar searches for “Twitch” and “live-streaming”. The authors designed this project to analyze the content of Twitch and gather the opinions of it’s users “through three primary tools: A Web crawler, which gathers Twitch.tv stream
  14. jamesb

    Focus On One Color [Remixed]

    The focus on one color assignment looked really cool, and I had never done something like it this whole semester so I figured it would give it a shot. I immediately knew what I would take a picture of and I decided it would be a picture of half of my shoe collection. A lot […]
  15. kirklunsford

    My Intro To A Game Design MOOC With Adobe Gen Pro


    My first official MOOC course and I am happy to experience it with #AdobeGenPro. I chose to get involved with a course in Game Design with a focus on not only creating assets for a game, but also how to create a class or curriculum in games. I have to say I am pleasantly surprised with the interface provided in the LMS housed in Adobe Education Exchange. It’s easy to follow step by step lessons followed up with reflection and critique within the class forums. I can also see a list of students and read their profiles and choose to follow them or share experiences with them. Each user can make a simple profile with some basic information and linkage to their social media and personal websites. The coolest thing about the profile is that it displays different badges you can earn by taking courses and participating in the network. You can check out my profile here as an example. If you are an educator or student, especially one who uses Adobe, you have to check the Adobe Education Exchange out!

    We are three weeks into the Game Design course and I already feel so rewarded. I’ve learned a lot and used Unity to make a basic terrain level that can be experienced as a simple character in the actual game environment. What’s great about Unity is that it is robust, yet simple to average users to grasp and instantly build assets. We were tasked to create an island level, however I did not want to create the typical tropical or desert island. Instead, I wanted to make a glacier level. I found the challenge of creating interesting ice and snow rewarding so I would not be tempted to use the standard textures and assets in Unity. The trick is to create several tiling textures and blend them together with various painted techniques in Unity to make something interesting. It took a little while, but I think I pulled something off. What do you think? You can check out a brief video of my level with some physics assets and see my screenshots to let me know. If you are interested in this course, since it’s a free MOOC, you may still be able to join and catch up with us. You can see the course page here.
    Screenshot in Unity editor
    Screenshot in Unity editor with interface

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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