1. Keelin

    Checklist Finale

     Schedule a 30 minute block of time to review your DS106 portfolio Scheduled appointment for Wednesday, May 2 at 2:00  Organize your blog My blog has been organized the whole semester! All assignments and daily creates are under the Assignments … Continue reading
  2. Eva Jones

    the faceless statue

    I was in charlettsville when I came across a phone lieing on the side of a hiking trial I was on. I picked it up becasue I thought someone would be missing their cell phone! I was looking though the phone to try and find the owners name or any information about who’s phone this ...
  3. Eva Jones

    Tutorial on photo editing!

    Who knew President Lincoln knew captain hook! ? I used paint and Gimp to create this image. I started with gimp and cut out captain hook. Then I pasted captain hook into this vintage picture with President Lincoln. Next I changed the color so that the color tone matched throughout the picture. Finally I moved ...
  4. Eva Jones

    My thoughts on ds106

    In class we were asked to write a short paper on our thoughts about this class! I thought it was a fun class and very informative! I thought that alan L ( our teacher) was very helpful and knowlageable. He really made it fun! The only bad thing about the class was the amount of ...
  5. Eva Jones

    My final project tutorial

    For my final project I decided to do a horror short! I was kinda inspired by the blair with project! To begin I enlisted the aid of my brother andy! We went hiking on these random trails behind his place in charrlettsville! I had never been out that way before and had no idea wht ...
  6. Alexander Joseph Carlson


    so this is for the final project and i decided to do alittle bit of audio and video at the same time. first i did was create my own little dubstep song. i used audacity for all of this part and grabbed over hundred different audio clips at first on the internet and worked my way ...
  7. Alexander Joseph Carlson


    so this is for the final project and i decided to do alittle bit of audio and video at the same time. first i did was create my own little dubstep song. i used audacity for all of this part and grabbed over hundred different audio clips at first on the internet and worked my way ...
  8. Keelin

    Final Reflection

    Over the past Spring 2012 semester, Digital Storytelling has taught me a lot about your identity on the web and how to share your creative work through different media. Over the semester, I learned to create different medias such as … Continue reading
  9. Christie McKitrick

    ds106 Reflections.

    I just want to start this off by saying I am so glad I took this class. Everyone warned me that it would be hard and a LOT of work, but that the fun was worth it. This statement couldn’t be more true, and it’s exactly what I would say to anyone considering taking the ...
  10. Kierra Morris


    For participation i did a fair amount of commenting on other students blog posts and i came to class regularly i believe i missed 2 or 3 classes. I occasionally used my twitter to keep followers up to date with my assignments and daily creates and i also tweeted links in class when it was ...
  11. Kierra Morris

    4 Assignments

    Assignments: 1. i created my first one about a assignment where you did a day in the life of your feet in 3-4 photos and then arrange them in a way that tell a story about your day. 2. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/?p=38176  your third eye – For this assignment collect a few photos from the perspective of ...
  12. Tiffany Hobbs

    The last check list for the semester

    Step One: Schedule a time block to review my work, Done! Meeting is Monday at 2:30 Step Two: Organize my blog, Done! Everything is easy to find and I will easily be able to showcase my work during my meeting and it’s easy for anyone who’s checking it out to find what they want. Step ...
  13. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Tutorial #4 Visual

    This tutorial is for the assignment Switch up the Mood this is another simple but cool tutorial that will help you get used to the iphoto visual changes that it has and what you can do to change the color or other parts of a picture. what i did for this assignment was that i picked ...
  14. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Tutorial #4 Visual

    This tutorial is for the assignment Switch up the Mood this is another simple but cool tutorial that will help you get used to the iphoto visual changes that it has and what you can do to change the color or other parts of a picture. what i did for this assignment was that i picked ...
  15. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Tutorial #3 Design

    this is tutorial is for the assignment If Movie Posters Told The Truth this tutorial is quite easy but gets quite fun if you get into it. What i did was i figured out what movie poster i wanted to work on which was 28 days later so i googled to find one of the posters on ...
  16. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Tutorial #3 Design

    this is tutorial is for the assignment If Movie Posters Told The Truth this tutorial is quite easy but gets quite fun if you get into it. What i did was i figured out what movie poster i wanted to work on which was 28 days later so i googled to find one of the posters on ...
  17. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Tutorial #2 Video

    For this tutorial i am going to do return to the silent era. first step is to pick a favorite movie of yours and import it imovie which you can by going into imovie and under the “File” tab at the top click on “import movie” and choose your file that you want to use. it ...
  18. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Tutorial #2 Video

    For this tutorial i am going to do return to the silent era. first step is to pick a favorite movie of yours and import it imovie which you can by going into imovie and under the “File” tab at the top click on “import movie” and choose your file that you want to use. it ...
  19. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Tutorial #1 Audio project

    For this in class project we were supposed to download several sound clips from websites and use them to create a story made up of entirely the audio files that you find. here im gonna show you how to use audacity to create your own sound file. first you need to download Audacity Click here ...
  20. Alexander Joseph Carlson

    Tutorial #1 Audio project

    For this in class project we were supposed to download several sound clips from websites and use them to create a story made up of entirely the audio files that you find. here im gonna show you how to use audacity to create your own sound file. first you need to download Audacity Click here ...
  21. guacamoleh

    Pooh sounds better than it looks

    After a lot of duds from the remix generator I would up with one that I liked. The original assignment was to take a quote and put it in a picture with a background that enhances it. My remix card was “Media Bender,” where I do the assignment using another media. I decided to use ...
  22. guacamoleh

    Pooh sounds better than it looks

    After a lot of duds from the remix generator I would up with one that I liked. The original assignment was to take a quote and put it in a picture with a background that enhances it. My remix card was “Media Bender,” where I do the assignment using another media. I decided to use ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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