1. miaalauuu

    Photoshop Crop

    I choose someone who was inspiring to my dance side of my life. Her name is Ysabelle, what makes her crazy good is how young she is and how far she has gone. Ysabelle is 19, already signed, and lastly, teaches classes around the world. She gets to travel which is something I’d want to … Continue reading "Photoshop Crop"
  2. rsha95

    Welcoming October

    Hi, So October is finally here! I’m excited because September was such a drag to me and it felt like it was never going to end. I was waiting for October to start because it’s one of my favorite months where the weather isn’t horrible yet, the leaves are changing color, everyone decorates their homes … Continue reading "Welcoming October"
  3. PrakashSubba2017

    smoke effect

    Today I learned a new technique using GIMP. This one is called the smoke effect. For this effect you need a black and white portrait with black background and GIMP app.  You can watch the tutorial on how to create this effect at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvGTWmkGx7Q&t=0s Also you have to download the smoke brush in order to … Continue reading "smoke effect"
  4. farzana11


    on our last class we have learned about photoshop so i did with my favorite cartoon and made it slightly different than what it’s actually looks like. it was a good experiment.
  5. Larokko24

    Photoshop Blending

    Thanks to class last week, I ended up learning a few new techniques to better improve my Photoshop skills. Messed around a bit using three relatively iconic individuals in their field of choice. J.Cole, Kevin Durant and Leonardo Di’Caprio. Three figures who have a major impact in their career field. Step one of a growing process.
  6. musicgirl708


    I tried to do The DS106 Assignment Repository  and at first I picked the “create fake tweet” assignment,but as I was doing it,I wasn’t satisfied with it. It didn’t look real enough and looked as if I typed it on Microsoft word 😀 Then I found this website and I was definitely happy 🙂 its … Continue reading "THE TIME RIKER LYNCH TWEETED ME!"
  7. kevillerodney

    Miles Davis Gif

    Miles Davis Miles Dewey Davis was an American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, and composer. He is among the most influential and acclaimed figures in the history of jazz and 20th century music For info click here
  8. krajan

    Fire Gif Photoshop

    My First Fire Gif Photoshop!!! It was a great experience working through this process. It was really nice to try  out different things that photoshop can do. It’s kind of mind blowing. 
  9. iriscuascut23

    Something That Makes Me Happy

    These two women from SNL are my favorite actresses. Their work makes me happy. Each movie they do brings me tears of laughter. I decided this giphy because it shows their eccentric energy. Watching their work puts me into a good mood. https://media.gip...
  10. DAIJHA

    Animated Grafitti

    For my image, I chose crystal quartz because of its something that I wear every day. People believe that crystals have healing properties but sometimes I feel like people could just be under the placebo effect… any thoughts?  
  11. shefa1997

    First Photoshop Picture

    I heard about photoshop a lot. People always tell that photoshop is really complex and hard to use. For the first time, I have used photoshop in my communication technology class last week. Though it was complicated, I have found it interesting. With t...

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