Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92924 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Sifat

    Digital storytelling 101 — The Final Blog?

    Greetings Everyone, I hope you are feeling happy and healthy. My name is Sifat Syed, and unlike most of my classmates — I transferred from QCC with A.A.S. in Behavioral Science and Information Technology. I’m currently pursuing dual-degree @York in Behavioral Science (BA) and Communications Technology (BS). Therefore, my arrival time to ‘CT101’ was arguably; … Continue reading "Digital storytelling 101 — The Final Blog💔"
  2. Sifat


    Greetings, I’ll discuss my thoughts regarding Ms.Corona today. In my CT101 class, my friend was confused as to why it has ’19’; “when we are @2020”. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Initially, this virus was addressed as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV”. It was renamed to a … Continue reading "THE ENDVIRUS"
  3. Sifat

    ????Hello, this is my reaction…

      Grεεtings, My name is Sifat Syed, I hope you are feeling well. Thank you for taking the time to read my Blog for our 2nd week. In this post we are expected to use 8-10 GIFs to describe how we feel about our CT-101 Course. Aaand without any further ado, here’s my Reaction thus … Continue reading "🙋‍♂️Hello, this is my reaction…"
  4. ricardo

    CT101 Reflection

    Hey guys! This semester has been great. I enjoyed looking at all of your creations and I wish you the best. You guys can check out my Reflection Blog post about CT101 –> Here I will be talking about my favorite assignments, what I liked about ...
  5. ricardo

    My attempt at The “Shedding Previous Avatar Identities” Project

    This blog post is on my personal website, Ricardoxo … I decided to move all my work there so it shows progress. You guys can check out the original post here. I will give a brief preview of what the blog post on my website shows. This is my attempt at this mini project This is an … Continue reading "My attempt at The “Shedding Previous Avatar Identities” Project"
  6. ryanseslow

    The “Shedding Previous Avatar Identities” Project!

    The “Shedding Previous Avatar Identities” Project! When do digital identities and electronic foot-prints eventually need to be let go of? Does the Internet machine actually release them? Sooner than later perhaps, we need to take action, and induce a ritual to let them go. Is your online avatar still from 2009? Do we mourn parts … Continue reading "The “Shedding Previous Avatar Identities” Project!"
  7. ricardo

    My first impressions of CT101

    When I first came into this class and saw my friends, As for the class, I expected nothing more than another York college class. And then Ryan said we had to present proects. Then I started to think about the presentations we had to do. Ryan said theres no written final But then Ryan said … Continue reading "My first impressions of CT101"
  8. riverakat

    Say It Ain’t SoOoOOOoo?

    I cannot believe how fast the semester is finishing up: Over the semester, I learned how to make gifs using Photoshop and where I made a few gifs. I learned how to make memes using photoshop and learned that Helvetica is a great font. In class, we learned how to make multi-faced portraits. This … Continue reading "Say It Ain’t SoOoOOOoo🎤"
  9. TimPeterson3

    Memes are art. Let me explain

    The debates about “are memes art,” will never end. Those who consider art sacred will see memes as a joke, considering most memes are just that, a joke. However if you go by the definition of “art” then memes fit the criteria. Art= the expression or application of human creative skills and imagination. Whether you … Continue reading "Memes are art. Let me explain"
  10. ryanseslow

    CT101, the YORK College Cross Course Collab Part II

    CT101, the YORK College Cross Course Collab Part II This fall semester the students at CUNY York College collaborated on the annual GIF the Portrait project. CT101 is a digital storytelling course that fosters the understanding and application of digital tools while creating a digital identity on the Internet at large! This project will be … Continue reading "CT101, the YORK College Cross Course Collab Part II"
  11. ryanseslow

    Final Presentations & Final Blog Post Information

    *CT101 Final Class Presentations & Final Blog Post Information* **Please read all of the information below carefully & mark your calendars** E-mail me with any questions at Ryan (at) or rseslow (at) **Final Website Presentations: Each student will be presenting their personal websites to the class on the date listed below. Students will give a … Continue reading "Final Presentations & Final Blog Post Information"
  12. RashidaGoodridge

    The END IS ALMOST HERE! Cram Week Will Commence Now

    Now, the days are going down fast, everything is going to get more difficult to handle because you got assignments due, midterms and exams to complete in order achieve that finish grade, that you most desperately want. Hard work in progress and goals reached. Even though it might say cram week on top, it does … Continue reading "The END IS ALMOST HERE! Cram Week Will Commence Now"
  13. toro12

    The Art of Panoramic Photography

    Panoramic Photography captures images with horizontally elongated fields of view. It is sometimes known as wide format photography. Example of a Panoramic outside of class.. “Train View”  Before: Color Pano After: Black and White Pano   Panoramic can be pretty cool as-well. You can make somebody appear in the image more than once as if … Continue reading "The Art of Panoramic Photography"

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