Reaction Gif

      I am very excited about this class, I love the freedom we have to express ourselves through gifs and the platform we have to create. I’ve always wanted to create my own website and blog, but because everyone does it and I really didn’t have much knowledge on making gifs or using different adobe … Continue reading "Reaction Gif"
  2. jwls

    Using Photoshop for gifs

    Here's a gif I made up today of the musician Arthur Russell. It was created using Adobe Photoshop with timeline, a distorting filter, and a few different colored rectangles at 50% opacity.  
  3. kevillerodney

    Photoshop GIF

    This how I Created my Animated GIF in Photoshop Step 1: Upload your images to Photoshop. … Step 2: Open up the Timeline window. … Step 3: In the Timeline window, click “Create Frame Animation.” … Step 4: Create a new layer for each new frame. … Step 5: Open the same menu icon on … Continue reading "Photoshop GIF"
  4. Ctorres


    Today we used photoshop and it was very interesting. I have never used photoshop before and feel like i can use this software for a lot of reason. So I use to have a husky until she got too big for my house and ever since I’ve always wanted another husky and have been obsessed … Continue reading "Photoshop"
  5. kickrockz

    “Another Art Show” Recap

    Saturday, September 2nd of 2017 MEGAA Hosted “Another Art Show” an Art Exhibition showcasing six unique artist each with their own individual styles. With this showcase, much like our previous events we accomplished exactly what we set out to create. . . A VIBE with dope art, great music and beautiful people. Along side the […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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