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My Boring, Effortless Poster

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Dr. Oblivion is missing

This is such embarrassingly sloppy work that I’d almost rather have posted nothing at all. I was “learning” how to use Aviary while making this, and when I say “learning” I mean trying to figure out how to do stuff and, upon realizing that I didn’t know enough about the site to do anything creative, I just said to hell with it and used the few tools I could figure out. Hopefully, before the next project is done I’ll either get better acquainted with Aviary, or somehow find a better, easier image editing site.

I feel completely lost right now. Even things that should be easy – like adding plug-ins to WordPress – are to me extremely frustrating and confusing. I can’t even use the excuse that this is a new world to me, since I already spent 90% of my free time on the internet before taking this class. How could have spent so much time on the internet without ever learning these basic things about using it?

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