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Video Assignment Numero Uno

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After hours upon hours upon HOURS of trying to figure all this video stuff out, I was finally able to do my first video assignment. I decided to do a mashup because I thought it would be fun. It was once I figured out how to do it, but before that it took me FOREVER. I was getting incredibly frustrated to the point of giving up. However, I didn’t and that resulted in an interesting mashup.

I decided to go with the only two movies (or series of movies) that I would ever go to a midnight premiere of. Those are Twilight and Harry Potter. I know, shocking right? I decided to put the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer to the audio of the Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 trailer. I tried to do it the other way around, but this way was just better. What I find great about this mashup, is that for the first half people that don’t watch either of these movies would probably think that it’s the actual Harry Potter trailer. Us HP fanatic know better. I found it incredibly ironic that the Twilight trailer has incredibly epic music set to it. Absolutely NOTHING epic happens in the first part of the book, let alone the entire series. Twilight is a love story with some other stuff that goes on, but all in all it’s just a love story. Harry Potter is an epic adventure of a boy who saves the world. Completely different. So here is my mashup I hope you all enjoy! Oh also, note where Edward is saying “Lets start with forever” is pretty much the exact same time Harry is holding Voldy around the neck before they fall off the bridge… pretty funny. :)

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