Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92741 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jenn


    This semester has proved to be interesting and I admit I did learn a lot about creating your own presence on the web. I signed up for this class last semester after taking Dr. McClurken’s Digital History class. (Which by … Continue reading
  2. Jenn


    So while cleaning out my external hard drive I found this little piece I wrote, about my thoughts on cooking the turkey for last year’s Thanksgiving dinner. I figured since Thanksgiving was fast approaching I would share it, so that … Continue reading
  3. Jenn

    Google Stalker View

    Images are all found here! Group Members: Megan Eichenberg Jessica Murnin That’s all we have for now! =D Tweet This Post Post to Facebook Stumble This Post
  4. Jenn


    I was just talking with a couple friends about how there are so many “Inception” jokes lately, I wondered if there was a mash up about it. Well there was. And here it is! I am not sure but I … Continue reading
  5. Jenn

    The Little Mermaid

    I decided to focus on Disney’s the Little Mermaid, because it was my favorite film growing up. I figured it would be a good film to practice and maybe later I will do another commentary on another film directly related to the … Continue reading
  6. Jenn

    Research Advice

    I have recently been tied up with multiple other projects, so research on the Mafia has been somewhat lagging. Depressing I know! However I am creating a site about Forrest Gump and its historical significance. This is pretty awesome and I will definitely … Continue reading
  7. Jenn

    Image Story :]

    Before I share my image story I have to post this picture, because it is adorable! Now for the Image Story: First off, I want to share this image story about evolution, though the image is quite large. So here … Continue reading

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