Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Chanda Cowger

    The Value of My Experience at DS106

    As I write my final “letter home” or weekly reflection, I will share advice with future ds106 participants, especially students. Understand that I write this from the perspective of an adult student, in my mid-30′s, in the midst of a successful, demanding career, with a family and home to manage…all while balancing a school agenda, pursing ...
  2. Chanda Cowger

    Camp Magic MacGuffin: A place of mystery and intrigue!

    Have you heard about Camp magic MacGuffin?! What a fun and fascinating place to spend the summer! But there’s some strange things going on there! I first raised my eyebrows at this strange character, Jim Groom. I  missed whatever started the commotion but he managed to get himself sequestered into a separate bunkhouse in the ...
  3. Chanda Cowger

    Wrapping Up Daily Creates for Camp

    I have enjoyed The Daily Creates of ds106 and will strive for continued participation in this creative outlet even after my educational enrollment in the ds106 curriculum comes to an end. Here are the 3 daily create assignments I completed for the last week of ds106 and Camp MacGuffin… tdc198 – Draw a flower with ...
  4. Chanda Cowger

    Daily Creates — Week 9

    Another week gone like dust in the wind! Sorry to report that I fell off the daily create challenge this week, after completing 8 consecutive challenges, but here’s the 3 I did get published: tdc190 - Flip the decibels. Make a loud sound soft, or a soft sound loud. This wasn’t too difficult to do. I ...
  5. Chanda Cowger

    A-Z Photography

    My next contribution to the ds106 Assignment Repository is Visual Assignment 615: A-Z Photo Collage. The instructions read: Make an alphabetically themed collage. Compile images to represent each letter of the alphabet within a chosen subject area or theme. Create a collage. The potential themes are endless: items around the house, items in nature, food, ...
  6. Chanda Cowger

    Zombies, Zombies…Everywhere!

    One of the requirements for ds106 was to create a new assignment for the DS106 Assignment Repository. I’ve been thinking about the possibilities for the past 9 weeks, keeping in mind that I don’t want to closely duplicate an already existing assignment AND I must be able to do it myself. That was the real ...
  7. Chanda Cowger

    Remixing with Dr. Suess

    The remix assignment this week was to use the remix generator to produce a remix card paired with another assignment from the ds106 assignment repository. The task was to then interpret this as a new assignment and do it. We were instructed to look at the examples that were done for the original assignment, and ...
  8. Chanda Cowger

    Remix: Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

    After watching all four Everything is a Remix videos created by Kirby Ferguson and his blog, I think one of the most profound things he said that really drove home the reasons for remixes was “Nobody starts out original. We need copying to build a foundation of knowledge and understanding. And after that, things can ...
  9. Chanda Cowger

    Lethal Weapon Series: 4 Movies, 1 Trailer

    Mashup Assignment 135 (4 stars) called for making a movie trailer by taking a trilogy, or any series of movies, and combining scenes from all the trailers to make one trailer. This was an easier assignment, and considering all my problem with video editing, I figured I could probably handle this one with a minimum ...
  10. Chanda Cowger

    Mashing Up Daily Creates

    I accepted cogdog’s challenge last week to do daily creates every day for seven days. As of today, I’m going on 8, but I haven’t done today’s yet. Anyway, since issuing his challenge there has been more consistent participation on The Daily Create site, so the timing was good to do Mashup Assignment 609 (5 ...
  11. Chanda Cowger

    What a Week!!!

    Wow, what a week! Video activities in ds106 have kept me very busy. Add a full-time job, a concussion, and various other issues this week and I’m almost surprised I survived…with my sanity at least! Recap of this week’s activities and blogs: Grant Me Serenity… Grown Ups Play Arrow Roulette – Help Me! Everything’s a ...
  12. Chanda Cowger

    Stepping up to the Daily Create Challenge!

    This week in the world of Daily Creates, cogdog expressed his frustration with lack of consistent participation with The Daily Create and issued a 7-day Daily Create Challenge. Rising to his challenge, I worked to complete the Daily Creates daily, everyday. And here’s what I came up with: tdc184—Take a picture of a cloud and tell us what ...
  13. Chanda Cowger

    Everything’s a Remix?

    This is week 2 of video analysis in ds106. Taking a look at the video series Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson, we see that the same or similar ideas are repeated over and over, through decades and eras in movies. This concept is reinforced by last weeks study of reading movies and specifically ...
  14. Chanda Cowger

    Video Killed the Radio Star in Week 7

    This letter home is in video, where I inserted some pictures and text into my video letter home. Still feeling my way through the video editing tools so it’s a little crude. It will get better as the assignments move into production, I’m sure. And I hope I’m looking (and feeling) better as the week ...
  15. Chanda Cowger

    Video Prep Work

    Video week is really two weeks! Oh, what fun! Last week we were doing a lot of prep work, familiarizing ourselves with the available software programs for video editing and starting to plan our assignment completion for the unit of study in ds106. Here are the assignments that I’ve scoped out and started planning: Video ...
  16. Chanda Cowger

    Last week’s Daily Creates

    Although I did these last week, I’m just getting the blog post done for them. Sorry for keeping you suspense, but I am slightly behind on my blogging due to an injury I sustained over the weekend. Wish it was at least a good story to tell but it’s not. Just a stupid accident at ...
  17. Chanda Cowger

    One for audio, one for visual

    This past week’s choas almost made Daily Creates an afterthought. But here they are. Only 2 this week.   tdc169—Record 30 seconds of ambient sound in your environment. I recorded this clip during the last moments of my 2 hour commute home from work, as I entered the driveway, shut off the car, gathered my things, and ...
  18. Chanda Cowger

    Zombie Apocalypse Radio Teaser

    In preparation for our collaborative radio show to be broadcast, I created a bumper to be broadcast on ds106radio as a teaser to get an audience tuned in July 3 @ 9pm EST.  This bumper was not too complicated to do. I wanted use clipped words and phrases, paired with appropriate music to portray the ...
  19. Chanda Cowger

    The Daily Creates…Not Quite Daily

    At ds106, we are in the midst of two weeks of audio training…learning…creating…and in my case, FUMBLING! I’ve been super busy with work, deadline looming. Too many extended days has kept me away from my daily participation in The Daily Creates. Truth be told, I did them pretty much all at once. I know that’s ...
  20. Chanda Cowger

    DS106: I’ll Have What She’s Having!

    One of this week’s require assignment is Audio Assignments 36—Create a ds106 radio bumper (2 stars). I confess that I have not yet tuned into ds106 radio. To get a sense of some of the other bumpers that have been created I started trolling my way through other campers blogs, noting what I liked or ...
  21. Chanda Cowger

    Behind Door Four…Design and More!

    Hi Mom, Hi Dad! (**yes, I know they will REALLY see this! I’ve shared my web address with them!) Week 4 at Camp MacGuffin was Design Week! Learned lots and accomplished a lot, but still lagged by a day or so. So here’s an overview of what the last week held for me in ds106: ...
  22. Chanda Cowger

    Fallout in Fredericksburg

    Metaphors and Symbols in design are a simplistic way to communicate in a “universal” language. When using symbolism, it is not always necessary to use words. For instance, with street signs, one is not required to know how to READ words on the signs, but rather to know what the shapes, colors, and symbols or ...
  23. Chanda Cowger

    Mother Nature’s Mountain Rhythm

    This is a photo I took yesterday on our way back from Lexington. This beautiful mountain valley scenic overlook off of I-64, showcases Mother Nature’s design rhythm. The majestic, tree covered mountain range has a fluid movement about it, with it curves, evaluations, and spacing. It tempts your eyes to flow the curves, texture of ...
  24. Chanda Cowger

    Designer Breakfast with a Berry Splash

    For Design Assignment 593, we are directed to review the best design assignments from DS106 at DS106 Inspire. Pick one of the examples and write a blog post in which you articulate what makes this completed assignment a great design example. (2 stars) I chose linda3dots’ Berry Splash, because it jumped off the page of ...
  25. Chanda Cowger

    Domineering Downtown Dwelling

    Dominance simply sounds like a controlling, authoritative word. In design, it holds the same meaning. Creating dominance in design makes creative use of size, color, density, value, and white space to create the effect of one object being larger than others, hogging the space, begging for attention. In this image of a building on Princess ...
  26. Chanda Cowger

    My Week in Review (Week 3)

    Wow, was it a busy week! I may have bitten off more than I can chew this Summer but I’m trying hard to stay on top of everything. In addition to ds106, I am also taking a course at Germanna Community College to fill in some outstanding general elective requirements. That course is fairly easy for ...
  27. Chanda Cowger

    Art that Pops

    I am sooo frustrated right now! This blog post has been sitting as a draft in my blog queue! Ugh! It was supposed to post yesterday! Visual Assignment 340–Splash the Color (2 stars). I took this photo while on my historic downtown Fredericksburg photo shoot last Saturday. There is a empty lot on Caroline Street that ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]