Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Greg Musselman

    Working Together (Without Getting Together)

    Online collaboration is a useful tool that I can say from experience scares the bejeezus out of people (for some reason). Everyone seems to know that the tools are available but most would seem to prefer meeting in person if the option is available. A lot of the apprehension can be assuaged, I think, if ...
  2. Greg Musselman

    Working Together (Without Getting Together)

    Online collaboration is a useful tool that I can say from experience scares the bejeezus out of people (for some reason). Everyone seems to know that the tools are available but most would seem to prefer meeting in person if the option is available. A lot of the apprehension can be assuaged, I think, if ...
  3. Greg Musselman

    I LIVE!

    Oh Glob, how I’ve neglected you! But dry your tears, for here I am, still alive, and about to drop another load of stuff that will probably appear random, at best.  Apologies for my absence, and for this lack of ado, but here we go! “What did I just listen to?!” you might ask, assuming ...
  4. Greg Musselman

    I LIVE!

    Oh Glob, how I’ve neglected you! But dry your tears, for here I am, still alive, and about to drop another load of stuff that will probably appear random, at best.  Apologies for my absence, and for this lack of ado, but here we go! “What did I just listen to?!” you might ask, assuming ...
  5. Greg Musselman

    Week 5: Busy Little Gergy

    Yes, a busy little Gerg am I.  I’ve got some more Daily Creates and some more Design Assignments, just like I promised.  I’m a man of my word.  You’re anxious, I can tell.  So let’s get started. Daily Create 30 – The Place of Losing I should have posted this one a while ago, but, ...
  6. Greg Musselman

    Week 5: Busy Little Gergy

    Yes, a busy little Gerg am I.  I’ve got some more Daily Creates and some more Design Assignments, just like I promised.  I’m a man of my word.  You’re anxious, I can tell.  So let’s get started. Daily Create 30 – The Place of Losing I should have posted this one a while ago, but, ...
  7. Greg Musselman

    I sure do love me some movies

    I’ve done a couple of design assignments this weekend.  There will be a few more to come, but I was pretty excited about these and wanted to post them now. This assignment looked like a lot of fun.  It also seemed somehow familiar.  Long ago, my friends and I renamed “The Departed” with a much more ...
  8. Greg Musselman

    I sure do love me some movies

    I’ve done a couple of design assignments this weekend.  There will be a few more to come, but I was pretty excited about these and wanted to post them now. This assignment looked like a lot of fun.  It also seemed somehow familiar.  Long ago, my friends and I renamed “The Departed” with a much more ...
  9. Greg Musselman

    Coming to Terms With EdTech

    A dear friend of mine posted this on his blog.  Great stuff.  I think that far too often, people want to stick tech in the classroom just for the sake of doing so and for being able to say that they’re doing it.  It goes back to that whole “Digital Facelift” thing.  No substance. I ...
  10. Greg Musselman

    Coming to Terms With EdTech

    A dear friend of mine posted this on his blog.  Great stuff.  I think that far too often, people want to stick tech in the classroom just for the sake of doing so and for being able to say that they’re doing it.  It goes back to that whole “Digital Facelift” thing.  No substance. I ...
  11. Greg Musselman

    More Visual Assignments

    Spent some more time doing some of the ds106 visual assignments.  I was drawn to the Troll Quote assignment.  My old desktop background was a picture of Patrick Stewart that said “Use the Force, Harry”, with the quote attributed to Gandalf.  That was the first example I had ever seen and it kept me in ...
  12. Greg Musselman

    More Visual Assignments

    Spent some more time doing some of the ds106 visual assignments.  I was drawn to the Troll Quote assignment.  My old desktop background was a picture of Patrick Stewart that said “Use the Force, Harry”, with the quote attributed to Gandalf.  That was the first example I had ever seen and it kept me in ...
  13. Greg Musselman

    I made a gif!

    Oh! How I have always wanted to make silly animated gifs! So, after hours and hours of trying to follow useless tutorials and obnoxious hundred-step processes… I realized that I had Adobe Media Encoder.  The rest took like 2 minutes.  Tops.  Don’t I just feel the fool! Anyway, here’s my first gif ever: The one ...
  14. Greg Musselman

    I made a gif!

    Oh! How I have always wanted to make silly animated gifs! So, after hours and hours of trying to follow useless tutorials and obnoxious hundred-step processes… I realized that I had Adobe Media Encoder.  The rest took like 2 minutes.  Tops.  Don’t I just feel the fool! Anyway, here’s my first gif ever: The one ...
  15. Greg Musselman

    Teaching Through the Obstacles: Ed Parkour

    When first directed to read this post on Ed Parkour, a quick glance registered in my mind as “Ed Parker.”  The other martial artists in the room know who I’m talking about.  If you don’t, and you’re curious (and why wouldn’t you be?) you can read about him here.  Ed Parker was famous, among other ...
  16. Greg Musselman

    Teaching Through the Obstacles: Ed Parkour

    When first directed to read this post on Ed Parkour, a quick glance registered in my mind as “Ed Parker.”  The other martial artists in the room know who I’m talking about.  If you don’t, and you’re curious (and why wouldn’t you be?) you can read about him here.  Ed Parker was famous, among other ...
  17. Greg Musselman

    Celebrity Look-Alike

    For many, many years, my best friend has been compared to Jude Law.  Here’s why:   Crazy right?  I lifted a few pictures from Bill’s facebook, ones in which he looks particularly… Judey? Jusdish?  Jude-Like? Anyway, the pictures don’t really do the resemblance justice.  In real life, it’s uncanny.  Again, just using paint to throw ...
  18. Greg Musselman

    Celebrity Look-Alike

    For many, many years, my best friend has been compared to Jude Law.  Here’s why:   Crazy right?  I lifted a few pictures from Bill’s facebook, ones in which he looks particularly… Judey? Jusdish?  Jude-Like? Anyway, the pictures don’t really do the resemblance justice.  In real life, it’s uncanny.  Again, just using paint to throw ...
  19. Greg Musselman

    Demotivational Poster

    I’m a big fan of the demotivational posters.  There was an assignment to make one and a certain idea came to mind immediately.  I tried to think of something else, something funny. Instead I just went with straight-up depressing.   Yeah…   I didn’t get fancy here.  Just found the picture, resized it, cropped it ...
  20. Greg Musselman

    Demotivational Poster

    I’m a big fan of the demotivational posters.  There was an assignment to make one and a certain idea came to mind immediately.  I tried to think of something else, something funny. Instead I just went with straight-up depressing.   Yeah…   I didn’t get fancy here.  Just found the picture, resized it, cropped it ...
  21. Greg Musselman

    Catching up on all manner of lateness

    While I continue to limp my way along this whole process, I have failed to actually update or post things  in anything even remotely resembling a timely manner.  For the sake of efficiency, here are a few things should probably have been on here days or even weeks ago, all in one convenient superpost. First ...
  22. Greg Musselman

    Belated First Post

    So… the process of making this blog… Not that bad, I guess.  I bought my domain without a problem but I apparently missed the fact that I also needed to but a host, or whatever.  I don’t even know what that is.  Those are different things? *** Ok, so I had just typed a post ...

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