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  1. @Hollis Pultz

    If Only It Were That Easy

    Share the Knowledge For my second assignment this week, I completed the Vintage Educational Video for five stars. I have seen many workplace instructional videos, which are very similar to the old educational videos, so the styling for this video was familiar. Why this Knowledge is Important It took me many years to learn how …

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  2. @Hollis Pultz

    It all Comes Crashing Down

    The Sounds Speak for Themselves The final assignment this week was more or less the equivalent to the audio version of a design effect: use audio editing skills to create a ninety-second­-or-less audio story without verbal communication. Again, dealing with steam powered Detroit, I chose to continue where I left off with Hollis and Meg’s …

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  3. @Hollis Pultz

    Tensions Flare at Home

    Story Time! Telling a story using audio could not possibly be hard, right? Well, while literally telling a story into a mic has inherent simplicities, making an audio story for the story-time assignment had challenges. Mixing the audio of the different tracks required much listening and re-listening to get the volumes and fades just right. …

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  4. @Hollis Pultz

    Playing Something on the Piano is not Always Better

    What? No Words? The first assignment I tackled this week was a meaty five-star dealing with converting audio files. I had to create an auditory illusion; this is where a song with heavy vocals is taken and converted into a midi file, then played as a piano track on computer. To be frank, the most …

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  5. @Hollis Pultz

    Playing Something on the Piano is not Always Better (Tutorial)

    How it all Came to Be Here I walk you through the Auditory Illusions assignment.  We will be using the song Sober Taxi from Free Music Archive, MIDITrail for Mac, and Bear File Converter. Of course, you will need to take a screen recording of your finished illusion once you have the midi track playing. …

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  6. @Hollis Pultz

    Was this Week Supposed to be Hard by Design?

    The Week-Two Woes… “What happened this week?” I keep asking myself.  “ds106 happened,” I respond. This week, I been consistently been pulling all-nighters to complete my assignments.  I did manage to change my work schedule so that I would get off the job around six or seven o’clock each night, but the time required to …

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  7. @Hollis Pultz

    Keep Our World Wet

    If not Global Warming, Then What? Continuing along my steam-train of thought with the question of the week, I decided to consider the environmental issues that would be associated with a developing world that ran on steam.  Even in the real world, power-plants rely on steam generation to create electricity: nuclear, coal-fired, and gas-fired plants …

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