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  1. Downes

    High In The Tree

    February 10, 2024. These are what appear to be starlings high in a tree down the road a bit. I could only see them from below, and this is the best my telephoto lens could capture. It's a pretty good image considering how far the were. Other than phot...
  2. Downes

    Wasp’s Nest

    February 9, 2024. The is a wasp's nest from last summer in a tree in the neighbour's yard (taken with my new 600mm lens). White sky and medium light. Even though I put out more seed the birds stayed away this afternoon (it's warm and melting so they'r...
  3. Downes

    Green’s Creek

    February 8, 2024. Over lunch today I checked out Green's Creek, an area of the Green Belt I have explored before, with an eye to hiking there on the week-end. The site looks nice, but it was very slippery with the recent thaw and freeze. It was anothe...
  4. Downes


    February 7, 2024. This is Julia, not only one of our cats, she's also the first daily photo to be shot with my new 600mm lens. Yes, I finally picked it up today. Also: a full day in the office working on context stuff.
  5. Downes

    Is Potato

    February 5, 2024. It's an odd potato from this week's Odd Bunch shipment. This week's was even better than last week's, even though it was outside for a couple of days - we got strawberries, a melon, avocados, parsley, and much much more, including th...
  6. Downes


    February 1, 2024. These are some of my Wittgenstein books on the shelf in my office. I think about them often, partially for the ideas, and partially for who Wittgenstein was. He is the one I think about when I ask myself what sort of philosopher I sh...
  7. Downes

    Tuna Time

    January 31, 2024. Lunch time at the home office. These two know what that means: it's time for a tuna treat. That's Julia on the left, more reserved and skittish, and Emma on the right, eager, energetic, and ready to pounce. Most of my focus was on my...
  8. Downes


    January 30, 2024. This is a statue of Ganesh in my home office, a reminder of my visit to India in 2012. The helmet is a souvenir from an Argos football game in 2014. Practising with my 50mm lens (the lens cap arrived today). Way too much iso but at l...
  9. Downes

    The Railway Bridge

    January 29, 2024. This is the railway bridge through Casselman, as seen today on my daily walk ('daily', like 'AI', is more aspirational than real, but I persist in trying). This view is, of course, completely obscured in summer. Back with the 24-200 ...
  10. Downes

    Odd Bunch

    January 27, 2024. These are vegetables that were delivered to my home today by a company called Odd Bunch. It's a subscription delivery service that finds vegetables that are either too odd or too old to be sold in grocery stores and sells them to cus...
  11. Downes

    Office Lamp

    January 26, 2024. This is the hanging lamp in my office. It's the first photograph from my new 50mm Z-mount lens. Every photographer needs a 50, and with a new camera came the need for this new lens. It goes down to f1.8 which makes it really good for...
  12. Downes

    Focus Bracketing

    January 25, 2024. These frozen cedars in my hedge are my first attempt at photo bracketing. To do this, you have your camera take multiple images, each focused slightly differently, then you combine them into a single image. In theory, photoshop does ...
  13. Downes


    January 24, 2024. I pointed my camera outside the side window and captured this image of spruce trees between the houses. It was an indoor day today spent mostly puttering on the computer. I was pretty itchy all day; it reminded me of last summer but ...
  14. Downes

    Duck Buck

    January 22, 2024. Art in a gallery on St. Paul St. W. in Old Montreal. I took the train here today to attend a Mongo DB workshop starting first thing tomorrow.
  15. Downes

    Larose Forest

    January 21, 2024. Snowshoeing in Larose forest. It was a chilly -10 but I'm figured out how to stay warm in this kind of weather and so we has a nice outing in the snow-filled woods on a brilliant clear Sunday afternoon.
  16. Downes


    January 20, 2024. Olives at a booth at the show. After a visit to Costco and the Shoppers for meds we went to the Home and Remodelling Show at the EY Centre. It was worth the time to find out what it would cost to fix the siding on the front of our ho...
  17. Downes


    January 19, 2024. This is our cat Charlemagne. He's a big softie. The lens I'm using isn't really suited to low light - I had to take dozens of shots before I got one that wasn't fuzzy (it doesn't help that the cat is fuzzy). Today I had one meeting a...
  18. Downes

    Solar Cells

    January 18, 2024. This is an array of solar panels as seen from behind. They're alongside the tracks a few blocks from home. I took this photograph on my daily walk at lunchtime. I liked the clean lines and almost monochromatic look of the scene. Up e...
  19. Downes


    January 17, 2024. The red from the rising sun was reflected in the snow coating the trees for only a few moments this morning before it climbed above the clouds. As a result I had that "Good morning starshine.." song in my head all day. Longish day wo...
  20. Downes


    January 16, 2024. I went to visit my mother and Bernie after work today; this is my car in the parking lot at the residence where she lives. It gives you a picture of the weather we're having - cold, icy, and on the way home, a lot of fog. Just an ave...
  21. Downes


    January 14, 2024. This was the back ward today - bare trees and plenty of snowfall. A pretty good storm is brewing. I stayed indoors all day and worked on my European project, making a ton of progress. I'm also waking up early because I have a 4:00 a....
  22. Downes

    Oak Leaves

    January 12, 2024. I photographed oak leaves from below against a fading blue sky that's beginning to haze over as a winter snowstorm approaches. Had a longish meeting this morning and spent most of the day reading for newsletter articles. No, I don't ...
  23. Downes


    January 11, 2024. This is some artwork on a fence around a vacant lot at the corner of Bank and Lisgar in Ottawa's Centretown. It's the site of a future condo, supposedly, though the fence is old enough to be seen on Google Maps. I was in the area to ...
  24. Downes

    Snowmen and Reindeer

    January 10, 2024. I spotted these porch decorations on the second of my 'daily' walks this year (it has been tough to get motivated). I spoke a bit with the owner who said he bought the reindeer but that his wife made the snowmen after he cut the wood...

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