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  1. natalie

    New Plan, New Man

    ?listen to the audio on ?  from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch – Chapter 3 – Escape to Cork Avoka goes for a coffee while Harry gets his hair done. She gets an SMS from Hunt, who once again, suggests to her about how much he would like to be with her… Continue reading New Plan, New Man
  2. natalie

    On the Star Clipper – part II

    Chapter III from the book DESTINATION DESIRABLE Jules was busy conversing with Nia, and Walt asked Lulu if she would like to join Paula and him for a drink at the Piano bar. A chilled version of the song “Killing me softly” was playing. Danny was already sitting at a table, so the three sat next… Continue reading On the Star Clipper – part II
  3. natalie

    Messages from Hunt

    from the book I-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch Seven o’clock in the morning and Avoka hears the pinging of her phone: “A good morning coffee cup from Hunt.” She smiles and sends a message back. “What a lovely thing to start the day” and sends a song, Good Morning, Good Morning, with… Continue reading Messages from Hunt
  4. natalie

    Chapter I – Break in Tunisia

    From the book “I-land – A double Irish and a Dutch A new offer At 2 pm on a cloudy, stormy day in Tunisia Avoka was sitting in her staff-house room at the Aladdin Club. Avoka had her laptop in front of her and was talking via Google Hangout to two guys from an Indian… Continue reading Chapter I – Break in Tunisia
  5. natalie

    Chapter One – FIRST DAYS IN LONDON

    from the book Blossom Hill – a London lovestory Mia had just left the shuttle at Folkestone after passing through the Euro-Channel from Calais and traveling the fifty-mile route through the world’s longest underwater channel by train with her car—thirty-seven miles undersea in just thirty minutes. She was excited. North London University had offered her… Continue reading Chapter One – FIRST DAYS IN LONDON

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