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  1. jaydam

    Elena Borstein Art Gallary

    Elena Borstein is a former professor at CUNY York College in Jamiaca, Queens. After 18 years she came back to show her love for architecture and art in our schools gallery. The Exhibit is titled “Gift of Art”, there is around 15-20 paintings inside the exhibit. All the pieces of art were made by Borstein […]
  2. jaydam

    Faked Allegations?

    by: JaydaM A story that interest me in the news within the last week is the Jussie Smollett story. According to new reports Jussie Smollett faked the entire attack and is now having charges pressed against him. Earlier this month Jussie Smollet was walking in Chicago and was supposedly attacked by MAGA supporters. They said […]
  3. jaydam

    The Journalism Market. Is Journalism dying?

    Recently I read about four or five articles about journalism. Some of them had similarities and some of them had differences. Each article showed journalism from a different perspective. The New York Times article “Does Journalism Have A Future?” discusses the future and the future of newspapers. Early daily newspapers were made to persuade readers […]
  4. jaydam

    Midterm Elections

    In the next couple of weeks, the midterm elections will be here. The midterm elections are the elections where seats in the House of Representatives and Senate change. Many are excepting and hoping that the Senate and House of Representatives turn blue. According to an article from NBC news, it says “One of the Democrats’ […]
  5. jaydam

    What is a fill in?

    A fill-in is the upkeep of nails. Its the same process of putting the acrylic nails on but does not require putting the actual nail on. A feeling is required every 2 weeks unless it is time for a new set of acrylic nails.
  6. jaydam

    How do you pick designs?

    When I first started getting my nail done my designs used to come from the internet. The designs were based on things I liked that I saw other people do. Now my designs come straight from my nail technician. He is a really creative and he knows what I like so he combines them, and […]
  7. jaydam

    Do they make your nails weak?

    It all depends on the person. I would say my nails became stronger. Although recently I’ve had problems with my nails it was because I wasn’t taking care of them. For a while, I used to just get my nails wrapped but then they broke and I started to do acrylic nails again. I would recommend taking care […]

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