Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ungrac3ful

    Hey Siri, play Introducing Me from Camp Rock 2, by Nick Jonas

    ā€Do-do-dododo-doā€ā€¦for those of you who understand this ~iconic~ song and movie referenceā€¦thank you, you get me. For those of you who dont..thats awkward. Let me try again: Hi! Iā€™m Grace ? I am super excited to create and share new content with my pals in Digital Storytelling this summer. Fun fact about me: this is the second time I am taking DS106 (oops!) and this time, Iā€™m ready to do it right! This class is starting while I am on a family vacation at the beach (glass half full: hey, at least class starts while you are at the beach!! glass half empty: ā€¦ew sucks you are at the beach when class has to start) and I decided to take a little bit of advantage of this fact and add it into how I was saying hi to everyone. Take a look!
  2. @imatutu_


    Hello everyone! My name is Matthew, I am a freshman at UMW this academic year and I am planning on majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Cybersecurity. Great to be here!
  3. @KatieHartraft

    Patient Zero

    I'm Katie, a sophomore at UMW double majoring in Creative Writing and Communication/Digital Studies 🤖 So excited to see how this Digital Storytelling course goes and what comes out of it! #ds106 #theend106 @theEnd106 — Katie Hartraft (@KatieHartraft) January 19, 2018 I have been infatuated with apocalyptic narratives for longer than I can remember. It […]

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