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  1. Downes


    November 25, 2018. I spent the entire day working on my 'Resources' article, which in the end I was pretty pleased with. This left no time even for things like taking photos, so here is a nightstand pic. Coffee cup, reading light, and CPAP machine (bec...
  2. Downes


    November 23, 2018. This fabrication plant (at least, that's what I assume it is) was making a loud screeching noise as I left a little early today, so I snapped a 'before' picture. Turns out, there was no need to worry. Tough day today with a less-than...
  3. Downes

    The Homestead

    November 22, 2018. It's dark when I get home at the end of the day, but with the lights on and a full moon in the background the house seems warm and appealing. It's a unique house, with a lot of character. I spent the day working on blockchain stuff a...
  4. Downes


    November 9, 2018. This is another one of Andrea's creations, a nice piece of cake, my reward for braving the snow driving home from the office. Spent the day preparing slides for an Intro to Blockchain talk.
  5. Downes


    November 8, 2018. Back home, working from the home office, getting caught up on email and doing an interview for the course. I meant to do more but got distracted responding to emails for office-related stuff.
  6. Downes

    The Harvest

    October 29, 2018. We had a morning fog today and the photo doesn't really do justice to the hayfield with the woods in the distance. Still was worth seeing, though. I had a security briefing this morning and worked on OPML and RSS for the rest of the d...
  7. Downes

    Cat Tail

    October 26, 2018. This is the back window of a car parked in our office parking lot today, and it made me start the day with a smile. Good day to just attend to errands related to the course; it's really beginning to take shape and I'll be able to get ...
  8. Downes


    October 13, 2018. The beginning of a very busy week in Toronto. Drove from my hotel in Scarborough to Lawrence Station, then took the subway downtown to help the OCADU-IDRC celebrate its anniversary. Sadly it was not in this OCADU building (so I still ...
  9. Downes


    October 11, 2018. I had a late evening and darkness was falling through the fog on the drive home, but I still managed to take a side road and capture the essence. Fog was also a good metaphor for the day, a day that did not go even remotely as planned...
  10. Downes


    October 8, 2018. I spent the entire day - a holiday! - working on my E-Learning 3.0 course. Here it is , still a work in progress. We also brought in the geraniums this weekend. This one in particular is inside for its second winter. It had a rough sum...
  11. Downes


    October 6, 2018. Today I spent all day - a Saturday! - writing for my upcoming course. I got the bulk of the synopsis text done (this will also be the basis for future work). Now it's taking shape! The year of research is coming together. This is well-...
  12. Downes

    SI Olympics

    September 20, 2018. This was a nice event at the office - the awards ceremony in the morning, food trucks at noon and a bunch of games based on the SI system of measurement that raised money for the United Way and gave us a chance to play. https://flic...
  13. Downes

    New Bike

    July 27, 2018. Today was new bike day and new kitchen faucet day. First, the bike, which I picked up and immediately took for a 50 km test ride to Chesterville (from Embrun, where I bought it). Here you see it at the park in Morewood on the way back. I...
  14. Downes

    Wall of Mowers

    July 24, 2018. I had intended to do some coding today, it being a rainy day with the bike in the shop, but instead we made the rounds of eastern Ontario looking for a specific kitchen faucet (end result: unsuccessfully). This is a scene from the Home D...
  15. Downes

    My Luggage

    April 28, 2018. Flying home from Colombia. This is the transfer to Ottawa, and I had the unusual experience of being able to see my own luggage being loaded onto the plane (and enough time so I could set up to take the photo exactly when it is being pl...
  16. Downes


    April 8, 2018. We drove into the Costco, where I saw these flowers, then back, after which I settled in to bed to listen to the ball game and try to recover a bit. I was doing better that the previous few days but lacking sleep.
  17. Downes


    March 30, 2018. Lexi insists on playing with string - "it's always string time" - even at the age of 12 or so. So I make sure to take the time to play with her. The rest of the day I spent writing 'Critical Thinking for Educators'.
  18. Downes


    March 29, 2018. This is a section of road just past the Alexandra Bridge seen as I drove home from Gatineau. I spent the morning preparing for a workshop and the afternoon doing the workshop, and the evening watching the Blue Jays season opener (about ...
  19. Downes


    March 23, 2018. Friday odds and ends at work - my performance review, doing timesheets, completing an online course (page-turner on security), planning for a project, answering email, and getting ready for some time mostly away from the office. These a...
  20. Downes

    Ceiling Fan

    March 21, 2018. This is actually the most unused appliance in the house, as we have both heating and air conditioning, and so don't need a big ceiling fan. But there it is. Today's routine was disrupted by an argument over working conditions - apparent...
  21. Downes


    March 20, 2018. I snapped this through the car window while waiting for construction to clear up on the Casselman bridge. It's not much of a photo but I had a pretty busy day today preparing slides and participating in a workshop at the School of Publi...

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