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  1. Downes

    Ice Cold

    December 29, 2017. It was -20 or so today, so cold that even the Sun looks cold. This is Andrea dropping off the candies she made at my parents place. Sadly they weren't home so they'll have to thaw them before they eat them. No problem, though; the ca...
  2. Downes

    Cattle Castle

    December 28, 2017. Today this building is known as the Aberdeen Pavilion, but for my entire time at Lansdowne Park it was known as the Cattle Castle, and that's how I think of it. This is the view from the movie theatre where we went to see Star Wars. ...
  3. Downes


    December 27, 2017. Quiet day today. Did some coding on the gRSShopper editor. Why? Becuse it's fun. This is a weed I can see from the bathroom window. I've watched this weed grow up, flower and die in the snow. Circle of life.
  4. Downes


    December 26, 2017. Beside my bed. Some cold medicine, because I'm still under the weather. Green gel for dry skin. Tim's mug for evening decaf. Light. Wood stand contains my CPap. Not shown is my mobile phone charger.
  5. Downes


    December 18, 2017. This is the office as I left this evening (I work in the building on the left). Today I spent the day finishing my analysis of CSPS documentation, looking for entities and properties being used to describe their work and its outcomes...
  6. Downes


    November 20, 2017. The time changed while I was flying back from China with the result that now i see the sunrise when I get up in the morning (it's also dark when I drive home). Easy Monday; got a bunch of newsletter bounces cleared off the books, cau...
  7. Downes


    October 1, 2017. It was a beautiful fall day so I cycled to Chrysler and St. Albert, another 50 km ride. It was a bit windy but after a summer of cycling I felt strong and the ride really was effortless. I listened to the last Jays game of the year whe...

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